Henry the Navigator From Portugal Started a school for navigators and explorers Organized trips to sail around the continent of Africa
Bartholomeu Dias Portuguese Explorer First to round the southern tip of Africa in 1488. Named it Cape of Storms, later renamed Cape of Good Hope. Didn’t travel to Asia, returned home.
Vasco da gama From Portugal First to establish a sea route to Asia Lost half his ships and most of his crew
Christopher Columbus Italian Sailed across the Atlantic in 1492 Discovered Caribbean Islands (West Indies) Came home to a hero’s welcome
Vasco Balboa Spanish Explorer Sliced his way through the Panama jungle, to become first European to see Pacific Ocean Called it the South Sea
Ferdinand Magellan Portuguese Explorer Set out to circumnavigate the world He was killed in the Philippines by natives His crew returned to Portugal after his death
Hernando Cortez Spanish Explorer Defeated the Aztec Empire, claiming modern day Mexico for Spain Established Mexico City
Francisco Pizzaro Spanish Explorer Defeated the Incan Empire in South America Established the city of Lima, Peru
Jacques Cartier French Explorer Explored the eastern coastline of Canada, claiming it for France Discovered the St. Lawrence River
Juan Ponce de Leon Spanish Explorer Named governor of several Spanish colonies While searching for the Fountain of Youth, he discovered Florida and claimed it for Spain
Francisco Coronado Spanish Explorer Searched for seven cities of gold north of Mexico Became first European to explore the desert southwest National Monument in Arizona