Python 2 Thesis Support Instructions for March 2018 graduates with theses, final project reports, and dissertations BOTTOM LINE UP FRONT: March graduates will use existing Thesis Processing Office (TPO) thesis template, Thesis Release and Approval Form, and processes. See TPO website for more details, templates, and forms. Special handling for March grads is listed in the next slide. March graduates will have new thesis dashboards in their Python records, but will need to input only limited data. Faculty advisors for March graduates complete Capstone Assessments as they have previously. Students still needing to submit Thesis Proposals in March should use existing department-provided templates and processes. Typo, the TPO Dragon From anywhere in Python 2: Click on the Feedback button, found at the top right of each Python 2 webpage, to report a bug, ask a question, or make a suggestion. This action creates a JIRA ticket that is answered by the programmers. Your Name 6 MAR 2018
Python 2 Thesis Support SPECIAL HANDLING FOR MARCH 2018 GRADS, OVERVIEW: March graduates or their education advisors (ed techs, POs, or AAs) need to enter limited data into their Python 2 thesis dashboard for each thesis, report, or dissertation. This data will be specified in the next few slides. •Most March graduates had their information transferred over from old Python and so already have a thesis dashboard. To find out if you already have a dashboard or how to create one, see “How to add a thesis dashboard” on TPO’s Python Help Page. •Student checks that Student Profile information is correct. If not, contact your ed tech to update your Python record. TIP: The dashboard contains many information pop-ups that explain rules and what to do. Look for icons or hover your cursor over key words or names. 6 MAR 2018
Python 2 Thesis Support DATA REQUIRED IN MARCH 2018 DASHBOARDS: Student or an education advisor enters minimal basic data in thesis dashboards. In the Thesis Data section (middle of the dashboard; see image below): Thesis Type—Located at the top of the Thesis Data section, use the “edit” button. Co-authors—Use the “edit” button to add co-authors from a drop-down list (start typing last name to shorten the selections). Only one of the co-authors should do this. After one co-author selects the other author(s), the system will allow you all to share one dashboard. Advisors—Use the “edit” button to add advisors from a drop-down list (start typing last name to shorten the selections). There are two sections, one for adding NPS faculty advisors and one for adding non-NPS advisors. Other fields in the Thesis Data section—No other fields are required. Students may elect to enter their thesis title, final abstract, key words, and relevancy topics. Ed techs may elect to record Outstanding Thesis or Oral Presentation. Estimated Departure Date (EDD)—In the Requirements Status section, update your EDD using the “edit” button. This should correspond to your detach date. It determines your Thesis Accepted due date. 6 MAR 2018
Python 2 Thesis Support FINAL TPO ACCEPTANCE FOR MARCH 2018 GRADUATES After passing TPO Final Review, the student’s thesis processor marks the thesis as Thesis Approved, the final step under the Requirements Status section. This generates auto-emails to the author(s), faculty advisors, and educational advisors. Education advisors and faculty can use Thesis Search, found on their Python menu tree, to look up students’ thesis status using multiple filters, column customization, and column sorting. 6 MAR 2018
Python 2 Thesis Support For additional information and guidance, consult the TPO website: How to Add a Theses Dashboard Shortened Python Thesis Module process for March 2018 graduates Estimated Departure Dates Entering pre-approved thesis proposals before May 31 to avoid re-routing And more to come! For Thesis Module support, contact thesis processing: Janice Long, x2155, Sue Hawthorne, x2159, Sandi Leavitt, x3680, Typo, the TPO Dragon From anywhere in Python 2: Click on the Feedback button, found at the top right of each Python 2 webpage, to report a bug, ask a question, or make a suggestion. This action creates a JIRA ticket that is answered by the programmers. Your Name 6 MAR 2018