UB Faculty Senate Social Media By Caroline Lojacono Student Assistant in the Office of Shared Governance Sophomore, Biomedical Sciences @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
What is Online Social Networking? Use of social media for communication and education Web-based applications that allow for exchange of information and ideas Powerful/efficient/inexpensive tool for communication and education @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
Why Online Social Networking? Information acquisition and exchange Creation of web content Creation/maintenance of professional relationships @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
Why should I follow the Faculty Senate on social media? @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
1. You will receive timely and relevant information about upcoming meetings and events @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
2. You can read stories featuring UB faculty, research, and projects, as well as news about the SUNY system and articles from the UB Spectrum Examples of UB twitter accounts you could receive news from: @UBuffalo @UBSpectrum @SUNY @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
@UBuffalo @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
@UBSpectrum @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
@SUNY @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
3. You will have the opportunity to: • provide feedback • voice your opinion • support our posts! @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
To engage with us on Twitter: 1. Log onto www. twitter To engage with us on Twitter: 1. Log onto www.twitter.com or download the Twitter app on your phone 2. Click “Sign up” to create an account or “Log in” if you already have an account 3. Once you have an account, search @UBFacultySenate and click “Follow” Now you can retweet and mention us in your posts! @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
To engage with us on Twitter: 1. Log onto www. twitter To engage with us on Twitter: 1. Log onto www.twitter.com or download the Twitter app on your phone @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
To engage with us on Twitter: 2 To engage with us on Twitter: 2. Click “Sign up” to create an account or “Log in” if you already have an account @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
To engage with us on Twitter: 3 To engage with us on Twitter: 3. Once you have an account, search @UBFacultySenate and click “Follow” Now you can retweet and mention us in your posts! @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
#Hashtags Word/phrase preceded by a hash or pound sign (#) and used to identify messages on a specific topic Key way that we search for content on social media Using the right hashtag helps us filter through millions of posts Helps to group conversations together so it is easier to find things that are relevant to us @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
What are some important UB Faculty Senate hashtags? Description #UBuffalo Official UB hashtag to engage other official UB accounts #SharedGovernance Use to group Shared Governance events involving the UB Faculty Senate and Professional Staff Senate #TTHM “The Take Home Message” “Pearls” of wisdom from speakers. Four things that you can remember a month from now. Any other key words in your tweets! @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
#UBuffalo @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
#SharedGovernance @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
#TTHM @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
Coming Soon: We are creating a UB Faculty Senate Facebook page! #SharedGovernance
#TTHM 1 of this presentation @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
#TTHM 2 of this presentation @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
#TTHM 3 of this presentation @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
#TTHM 4 of this presentation @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance
Thank you! Questions? @UBFacultySenate #SharedGovernance