UNITED STATES ARMY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL U.S ARMY SOLDIER SUPPORT INSTITUTE Practical Exercise and Answer Booklet Version A – Answer key Prepare a Statement of Agent Officer’s Account (DD Form 1081) UNITED STATES ARMY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SCHOOL AAB6B101 PE A AK December 2012
Agent Officer’s Account (DD Form 1081). INSTRUCTIONS: STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS OBJECTIVE: This practical exercise (PE) measures your ability to Prepare a Statement of Agent Officer’s Account (DD Form 1081). INSTRUCTIONS: This booklet contains 20 questions. You will write all your answers in this booklet. You will have 30 minutes to complete this PE. SITUATION: You are a cashier working in the Disbursing Branch of the 23rd FMSu You have two blank DD 1081 Forms. Fill out the forms with the amounts specified. Requirements Answer questions 1-3 concerning your general knowledge of the Statement of Officer’s Account (DD Form 1081). 1. List 3 duties and/or responsibilities of a cashier. -Disbursing, collecting, accounting for cash. -Other duties as required, concerning the receipt, custody, safeguarding and preparation of -checks and U.S. savings bonds to -facilitate training and effectively utilize personnel, cashiers may perform other duties on days when they do not perform cashier functions Who can be appointed as a cashier? An officer, enlisted member, or civilian employee designated by the DO or disbursing Agent List 3 restrictions of a cashier. Sign checks, accept checks drawn (and endorsed to the cashier) in the name of the DO or disbursing agent to procure cash and disburse for any purpose. Prepare billing documents and make collections for these same items. This restriction also applies to agents performing cashier duties. Prepare vouchers that will be paid later by the cashier. Prepare vouchers on those days when cashier functions are performed. Prepare DO accountability reports, where practical. If the cashier must prepare DO accountability reports, the DO or deputy (or disbursing agent) shall personally review the reports. 1 AAB6B101 PE A AK December 2012
Requirements 2 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS a. Finance Officer: W. Cory, MAJ, FC 23rd FMSu Ft. Stewart, GA 31314 b. Cashier: You c. Disbursing Officer: Curt Tenhut, CPT, FC d. Disbursing Officer Address: 23rd FMSu Ft. Stewart GA 31314 e. DSSN: 6348 f. Business Date: 2 January 20** g. Exchange rate for Foreign Currency (FC) is FC 2.00 = US $1.00. Requirements 1.Using the information provided in the special instructions above, prepare the DD 1081 forms, located on page 3 and 4 of this booklet. Answer questions 4-20, on pages 5 and 6 using the completed forms NOTE: CPT Tenhut conducted the following transactions with you on 2 January 20**. Your beginning balance is $0.00. 2. He advanced you the following amounts: a. U.S Dollars $13,500.00 b. Foreign Currency: (2.00 FC = US$1) 25,000FC c. Treasury Check #38,674 10,000 3. At the end of the day you returned the following: a. U.S. Dollars $10,000.00 b. Foreign Currency 3,190FC c. Treasury Checks 12,220.00 d. Traveler’s Checks 6,000.00 e. Paid Vouchers $5,370.00 2 AAB6B101 PE A AK December 2012
ADVANCE 3 2 CURT TENHUT, CPT, FC 23RD FMSu FT STEWART, GA 31314 (912) 767-1212 YOUR NAME YOUR SSN 23RD FMSu FT STEWART, GA 31314 YOUR PHONE NUMBER 13,500 FC 25000 12,500 ck # 38674 10,000 36,000 X X 2 JAN ** Curt Tenhut 2 JAN ** Your Name Here 2 3 AAB6B101 PE A AK December 2012
RETURN 4 2 CURT TENHUT, CPT, FC 23RD FMSu FT STEWART, GA 31314 (912) 767-1212 YOUR NAME YOUR SSN 23RD FMSu FT STEWART, GA 31314 YOUR PHONE NUMBER 36,000 10,000 FC 3,190 1,595 12,220 TVC 6,000 5,370 815 x x 2 JAN ** Curt Tenhut 2 JAN ** Your Name Here 2 4 AAB6B101 PE A AK December 2012
5 NOTE: For questions 4-9 refer to the ADVANCE DD form 1081. 4. What amount would go in block 2b of the DD Form 1081? $13,500.00______________________________ 5. What amount would go in block 2e of the DD Form 1081? $0.00______________________________ 6. What amount would go in block 3b of the DD Form 1081? $12,500.00______________________________ 7. What amount would go in block 3c of the DD Form 1081? 8. What amount would go in block 7A, b of the DD Form 1081? $10,000.00______________________________ 9. What amount would go in block 12c of the DD Form 1081? $36,000.00______________________________ NOTE: For questions 10-20 refer to the RETURN DD form 1081 10. What amount would go in block 2d of the DD Form 1081? 11. What amount would go in block 3d of the DD Form 1081? $1,595.00______________________________ 12. What amount would go in block 3e of the DD Form 1081? 5 AAB6B101 PE A AK December 2012
6 13. What amount would go in block 7A, d of the DD Form 1081? $12,220.00______________________________ 14. What amount would go in block 7A, e of the DD Form 1081? $0.00______________________________ 15. What amount would go in block 7C, d of the DD Form 1081? $6,000.00______________________________ 16. What amount would go in block 7C, e of the DD Form 1081? 17. What amount would go in block 8d of the DD Form 1081? $5,370.00______________________________ 18. What amount would go in block 8e of the DD Form 1081? 19. What amount would go in block 10e of the DD Form 1081? 20. What amount would go in block 12e of the DD Form 1081? $815.00______________________________ 6 AAB6B101 PE A AK December 2012