LO: To assess the role of the Military Orders in the Crusader States. Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson you will be able to... - Describe the military orders E-D - Explain their role in securing the Crusader States C-B - Assess their strengths and Weaknesses A-A*
LO: To assess the role of the Military Orders in the Crusader States. Task: Once you are in and Settled... Fact Test! You have 5 minutes. - Describe the military orders E-D - Explain their role in securing the Crusader States C-B - Assess their strengths and Weaknesses A-A*
LO: To assess the role of the Military Orders in the Crusader States. What is the link between a Crusader warrior and these first aiders? - Describe the military orders E-D - Explain their role in securing the Crusader States C-B - Assess their strengths and Weaknesses A-A*
LO: To assess the role of the Military Orders in the Crusader States. Knight Hospitaller Knight Templar - Describe the military orders E-D - Explain their role in securing the Crusader States C-B - Assess their strengths and Weaknesses A-A*
LO: To assess the role of the Military Orders in the Crusader States. Describe the military orders E-D Explain their role in securing the Crusader States C-B Assess their strengths and Weaknesses A-A* LO: To assess the role of the Military Orders in the Crusader States. Key aims of the military orders - Religious warrior monks - Sworn to chastity, poverty and obedience. - Fulfilled their vows through manning castles, raiding Muslim territory, losing lives. The Templars - 1119 by Hugh of Payns - Set up after Battle of Field of Blood - Slaughter of 300 Pilgrims at River Jordan - Accommodated on Temple Mount - Recruited throughout Europe by HoP - 1129 sanctioned by Rome - King of Aragon donated his kingdom! “Soldiers of Christ” (Bernard of Clairvaux) Templars rules based on Augustinian law Lived disciplined communal warrior-monks 1139-45 gained Papal privileges and indulgences Often law unto themselves e.g. Ascalon 1153. Power was unchecked. The Hospitallers - Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem - Originally an Italian hospice - Commanders General Chapter. Papal Protection in 1113 Hospices set up around Europe Given control of Krak des Chevalier Began to determine military policy by 1160s. 1000 beds in Jerusalem, exorbitant costs. Rose in 1130s Given castles by King Fulk eg Bethgibelin. Became heavily involved in factionalism in The 1180s
LO: To assess the role of the Military Orders in the Crusader States. Describe the military orders E-D Explain their role in securing the Crusader States C-B Assess their strengths and Weaknesses A-A*
LO: To assess the role of the Military Orders in the Crusader States. - Describe the military orders E-D - Explain their role in securing the Crusader States C-B - Assess their strengths and Weaknesses A-A*
LO: To assess the role of the Military Orders in the Crusader States. - Describe the military orders E-D - Explain their role in securing the Crusader States C-B - Assess their strengths and Weaknesses A-A*
LO: To assess the role of the Military Orders in the Crusader States. - Describe the military orders E-D - Explain their role in securing the Crusader States C-B - Assess their strengths and Weaknesses A-A*
LO: To assess the role of the Military Orders in the Crusader States. - Describe the military orders E-D - Explain their role in securing the Crusader States C-B - Assess their strengths and Weaknesses A-A*
LO: To assess the role of the Military Orders in the Crusader States. - Describe the military orders E-D - Explain their role in securing the Crusader States C-B - Assess their strengths and Weaknesses A-A*