CBAC TGAU Daearyddiaeth


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Presentation transcript:

CBAC TGAU Daearyddiaeth Lle

Beth yw'r cysyniad hwn? Mae haenau gwahanol o ystyr i 'le'. Mae disgrifio lleoliad lle yn sgil. Gellir disgrifio nodweddion lle. Mae gan leoedd gymeriad a hunaniaeth. O'r herwydd, mae pobl yn dod yn hoff iawn o leoedd. Y trydydd ystyr dyfnach hwn y dylid ymchwilio iddo mewn ymholiad gwaith maes sy'n ymchwilio i'r cysyniad o le. Mae'r hwrdd yn gysylltiedig â dinas Derby. Pa symbolau sy'n gysylltiedig â'ch lle chi?

Cymeriad y dirwedd Gallai myfyrwyr ymchwilio i nodweddion y lle hwn drwy gasglu: data meintiol fel uchder, buanedd y gwynt, math o blanhigion a chyflenwad o blanhigion. data ansoddol fel ffotograffau neu gyfweliadau. Gallai pob myfyriwr restru'r pum ansoddair cyntaf sy'n dod i'r meddwl. Gallai'r data hyn gael eu cynrychioli mewn cwmwl geiriau. A number of different factors may come together to give somewhere its sense of place. These factors might include physical features of the landscape. These may be natural features such as spectacular landforms. However, they are just as likely to include some very ordinary features, for example: in a rural environment: amount of livestock, types of crop, size of field, type of field boundaries, in an urban environment: amount of traffic, the range of shops in the town centre, cultural diversity of the population. in either environment: dialect, historic buildings, building materials and local style of building can give a sense of place. None of these features may be particularly unusual on their own. But, when combined together they will give a place its identity. Please note that Pen-y-Fan may not be suitable for GCSE fieldwork because it is over 400m in height. However, it is chosen to illustrate the point that distinctive landscapes may be particularly distinctive despite the lack of recognised geographical landforms such as river meanders!

Asesu nodweddion y dirwedd Gellir asesu arwyddocâd un o nodweddion y dirwedd drwy dynnu ffotograffau o'r un nodwedd o bellteroedd gwahanol. Gellir gweld y tyrrau yn y Stiperstones ar y gorwel. O 6km i ffwrdd, maent yn nodwedd fach ond arwyddocaol mewn tirwedd gymhleth o 200m i ffwrdd, y tyrrau yw'r nodwedd fwyaf arwyddocaol yn y dirwedd

Gwaith maes ar afon neu'r arfordir Gallai myfyrwyr ymchwilio i nodweddion y lle hwn drwy gasglu: data meintiol fel croestoriad a chyflymder. data ansoddol fel ffotograffau neu arolygon deubegwn. Gellid defnyddio ffotograffau i gymharu arwyddocâd yr afon yn y dirwedd yma â'i harwyddocâd i lawr yr afon. Gwaith maes ar afon neu'r arfordir If your fieldwork takes places close to a river or the coast, you could investigate whether people who live in two contrasting locations have different perceptions of the physical landscape. You could investigate whether people who live within site of the river or coast may have a different sense of place compared to those who cannot see the feature. For example, do the people living in these two places perceive the river/coast as an amenity or as a potential flood risk? Varying attitudes towards a river’s positive and negative influence on place (e.g. its aesthetic value or its amenity value) could be gathered using bi-polar surveys.

Safleoedd pot mêl i dwristiaid Os yw eich gwaith maes yn cael ei gynnal rhywle sy'n cael llawer o ymwelwyr (er enghraifft, safle pot mêl yng nghefn gwlad neu gyrchfan glan-môr), gallai eich ymholiad ganolbwyntio ar y canlynol: Pa nodweddion sy'n denu ymwelwyr i'r lle hwn? Sut daethon nhw i wybod am y lle hwn - sut cafodd ei gynrychioli yn y cyfryngau? Sut mae realiti'r lle yn cymharu â'u disgwyliadau?

Defnyddio ail-ffotograffiaeth i ymchwilio i leoedd newidiol Changes to landscape (physical and human) can be evidenced by re-photographing an historic image. Postcards, available to view or purchase from online auction sites, provide a useful source of images that are dated and can be up to 110 years old. This postcard, of the Hayes in Cardiff, is dated 1904. Students could analyse the changes in the streetscape through annotation – in this case the Library building and statue are still present but no longer seem to be significant in the environment. Instead, the streetscape is dominated by features designed to make the place attractive to pedestrians. The architecture is dominated by the much larger St David’s Hall.

Ymchwiliadau manwerthu: trefi wedi'u clonio In a retail environment, the closure of independent shops and the development of national chains (using national rather than local architectural styles) has led to the erosion of identity in the high street. A clone town survey involves classifying shop types. The clone town score for the present could be calculated using primary data. Two towns could be compared to see which one has the greater local identity.

Lleoedd newidiol / ail-frandio Places change over time so fieldwork could focus on how and why the identity of a place is changing: old industries close. Brownfield sites are redeveloped and docks become gentrified. Seaside resorts, once popular, become faded and need to be rebranded to attract new visitors. People have such a strong connection to the place that they know that change is sometimes opposed. Your fieldwork enquiry might focus on the Not in My Back Yard attitude of local people who are opposing a local planning issue. Your fieldwork could focus on: why people have adopted a NIMBY attitude – what aspect of the place do they want to conserve and why? how have they managed their campaign? You could use text analysis to investigate the language used in blogs and newsletters. Gallai myfyrwyr ymchwilio i sut mae lle'n cael ei frandio drwy ddod o hyd i dystiolaeth yn yr amgylchedd, ond drwy ddod o hyd i ddelweddau ar-lein hefyd. Gallant ddadansoddi pam y dewiswyd y delweddau hyn. Beth maent yn ei gynrychioli? Beth NAD ydynt yn ei ddangos?