English Language Learners and Algebra: Teaming Rigorous Content and Accessible Pedagogy Patricia Swanson, Ph.D. Department of Elementary Education Trisha Bergthold, Ph.D. Department of Mathematics San José State University
Participants: 44 teachers, grades 5-9 (Year 3) Structure English Language Development Institute for Algebra Readiness Through the Instruction and Support of Educators (ELDI-ARISE) Partners: Santa Clara Unified, Campbell Union, and San Jose State University Participants: 44 teachers, grades 5-9 (Year 3) Structure Intensive: 32 hours Jul-Aug, 28 hours Sep-May Coaching: 20 hours per teacher Aug-June
Institute Activities - Rates Activity: Wind-up Toy Races Group Report: Rates and Lines Rates in Different Representations Rate Problems in Different Contexts Story Line Matching
Comprehensible Input: Understandable delivery of ideas and information… rate = distance over time
Comprehensible Input: Purposeful development of conversational and academic language…
Develop academic language in context. • rate • time • distance • unit rate • average distance Practice computation in meaningful settings.
The race! Young adolescent learners thrive in environments that are intellectually and emotionally safe, allow social needs to be met, support abstract ideas with concrete representations, and promote motivation through relevance, choice, and flexibility.
Challenging Courses and Curriculum….. From races, to unit rates, to speed as expressed by the slope of the line… Which toy would you choose? Why?
March 2009 Math Resource Assessment Service (MARS) Performance by Treatment and Control Status and by English Learner Status