Agenda Attendance Welcome - Period 1 paperwork!! Seating assignments – on Monday Who is Mrs. Raucci Classroom expectations Procedures
Personal info Married, three children, 3rd year at KMS, I will coach cheer again this year Favorites Family – including my dog LUNA Hiking Gymnastics The color PINK Love Science – Science is EVERYWHERE First Day Papers - Return Friday, Aug 11th
Refocus and ISI Bell to bell instruction In seat ready to learn Not in seat = tardy Practice – raising hand, bathroom requests, need to leave room, etc… Responsibilities Seats, No Hats, Materials Be prepared Daily Materials 1 ½ inch binder Spiral notebook pencil Refocus and ISI
KMS Cash
Classroom Rules - matrix Listen And Follow Directions Raise Your Hand Before Speaking Or Leaving Your Seat Respect Your Classmates And Your Teacher Keep Hands, Feet, And Objects To Yourself Answering Phone 99% of the time I will answer, if I do not you will say: “Hello, Mrs. Raucci’s room student speaking.”
Assignments Fire Drill Most assignments are completed in class Turn in basket Late work –points off Absent work – on wall No name - basket Fire Drill Line up in classroom – no talking Exit to the left – walk in straight line Hug the wall & use inside door (left)
Laptops & Remind 101 Field Trip Lab Expectations Plug all cords!!!!!! No damage No horseplay Clean up– group effort Return all equipment
Classwork Take notes- PowerPoint Presentations or textbook Write homework and up coming tests in your Agenda Take notes- PowerPoint Presentations or textbook Keep notes all year long in science composition book Labs – always responsible for your own lab paper Group work - cooperation
Will be monitored Noise level should be a 2 No horseplay Back stairs – stay to the right Bathroom sign out and in – must present pass to be stamped Office – need a pass Nurse – need a pass
School Supplies for Science 1 ½ inch binder with pockets Spiral notebook Pencils Erasers Glue sticks scissors