Women’s Rights Movement (Second Feminist Movement) Betty Friedan and the Feminine Mystique Gloria Steinem NOW ERA Phyllis Schlafly Title IX Roe v Wade
Latino Rights Movement Cesar Chavez United Farm Workers Grape Boycott La Raza Unida Immigration Today?
American Indians Rights Movement AIM Alcatraz Trail of Broken Treaties Wounded Knee II The Longest Walk The Longest Walk II
Gay Rights Movement Stonewall Riots 1973 removal of homosexuality from mental illness lists 1976 Harvey Milk Elected 1978 Milk and Moscone assassinated 1980’s AIDS epidemic “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” 2000 Vermont has first Civil Unions 2003 last anti-homosexuality law struck down 2004 marriage legal in Massachusetts 2010 DADT repealed
Disability Rights Movement Independent Living Movement Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)