Science - Year 3/4A Summer 2 Plenary Game PowerPoint Sound Sounds Spectacular Session 5 Plenary Game PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.
Pitch it High or Pitch it Low? This game is called Pitch it High or Pitch it Low?
Look at the picture on each slide and decide if the note shown by the arrow would be high or low. If you think it is a high note, stretch your hand up high into the air and sing “High” in a high pitched voice If you think it is a low note, push your hand down low to the ground and sing “Low” in a low (deep) voice Which is it? This note is high because the bar is short
This note is low because the bar is long Xylophone
Panpipes are played by blowing air across the top of the wooden tubes This note is high because the pipe is short
This note is low because the drum is big
A harp is played by plucking the strings This note is low because the string is long
These brass instruments are called tubas. They come in different sizes These brass instruments are called tubas. They come in different sizes. Some can play lower notes and some play a bit higher. This tuba plays higher notes because it is smaller
A violin is played either by plucking the string or by pulling the hairs of a bow across the string to make it vibrate This string plays higher notes because it is thinner
Organ pipes make a very loud sound when air is pushed through them by a large air pump called the bellows. This pipe plays a very low note because it is huge
Glass bottles make a lovely sound when you tap them gently with a metal or wooden stick. You can change the note by putting different amounts of water inside the bottle. The water changes the size of the column of air inside the bottle. An empty bottle has a long column of air to vibrate which gives a low note. The bottle shown by the arrow has a lot of water inside. Because of this, it has only a short column of air inside, so this bottle will give a high note.
This tube is long so it will make a low note when struck
This bell rings with a higher pitch than the others because it is the smallest
Recorders come in a whole family of sizes This recorder plays lower notes because it is bigger
End of game! How did you do? Let’s recap on everything we know about pitch
Decide which description of an object or instrument makes a high pitched note and which makes a low note in each pair High Short Long Low
High Short Thin string Thick string Low Long
High Short Thin string Thick string Low Long
High Short Thin string Big Small Thick string Low Long
Low High Short Big Long Small Thin string Slack string or drum skin Tight string or drum skin Big Thick string Low Long
Low High Short Big Long Tight string or drum skin Small Thin string Thick string Slack string or drum skin Low Long
Remember there are 3 things that affect the pitch of a note: The length of the thing that is vibrating The size of the thing that is vibrating The tightness of the thing that is vibrating e.g. a string or drum skin