European Commission EUROSTAT E4 INSPIRE Directive What’s up? EC INSPIRE TEAM Joint Research Centre - Directorate-General Environment – EUROSTAT European Commission EUROSTAT E4 Now that the INSPIRE entered recently into force, Member States, their regions and the Commission are faced with important challenges related to its implementation. Implementing INSPIRE will require commitment and efforts from many public authorities and organisations which are dealing with data related to the environment. Faced with these challenges it may be worthwhile to look again at why we actually need an INSPIRE directive and how it fits in with recent environmental policy developments at Community level
Overview INSPIRE basics INSPIRE state of the art INSPIRE and STATISTICS Implementing INSPIRE Contact information
Where can I find… …comparable geographic information for distinct administrative areas? Challenge: identify, access and use geographic information fragmentation gaps in availability, duplication data policy restrictions / pricing policies lack of data harmonisation: standards, quality lack of infrastructure better coordination needed
Reference systems not harmonized ETRS89 Reference system 2 : Clarke 80
Data inconsistency across borders Different road networks density or different classifications?!
Data inconsistency across borders Administrative boundaries are not matching
Sharing of spatial data sets and services needs to be improved!
INSPIRE Principles maintain data at the most effective level; share between all levels; combine seamlessly spatial data from different sources; use conditions not restrict extensive use; discover, evaluate, use data.
INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation INSPIRE: INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe INSPIRE geo-portal A network where you can search, view, download data sets, access to other services (transformation, invoke) Technical harmonisation and organisational aspects
EU Geoportal = Central Access Point Provides access to the Member States INSPIRE services Operated by the EC Operational version: 30-Nov-2010
INSPIRE is a Framework Directive INSPIRE Directive sets the frame INSPIRE geo-portal coordination requests implementing rules Implementing rules: amend non essential elements, provide (technical) details Metadata Data structure Network services Monitoring and reporting Data and service sharing with EU
When does INSPIRE Directive apply? Data and services Spatial data held by or on behalf of a public authority Data sets and services specified by the Directive (Annex I, II, III) Use (for public authorities) Policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment.
Implementing Rules development cycle: a participatory approach Guidelines Draft IR Text of Directive Reference materials Requirements Commission Regulation Drafting of IR Testing of draft IR Stakeholder consultation inter-service Regulatory process Manage evolution of IRs Stakeholders (SDICs, LMOs): Reference material Experts Projects
SDIC/LMO Office for National Statistics – UK Czech Statistical Office Spatial Data Infrastructure for Statistics: NSI’s of Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark Statistics Denmark Statistics Austria KOSIS-Verbund (Kommunales Statistisches Informationssystem) Germany Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic …
Data specifications and statistics Examples of themes of interest to statistics: Statistical units (Annex III) Human health and safety (Annex III) Population distribution – demography (An. III)
Statistical units Units for dissemination or use of statistical information: areas, lines, points Sub-grouping of administrative units official administrative units government management zones blocks, census and statistical districts civil security units environmental reporting and management units postal codes/ regions No thematic information
Human health and safety Geographical distribution of dominance of pathologies, information indicating the effect on health or well-being of humans linked directly or indirectly to the quality of the environment. Description distribution of diseases, health & safety qualities causes and elements affecting health wellbeing of humans safety issues health care services
Population distribution – demography Geographical distribution of people, including population characteristics and activity levels, aggregated by grid, region, administrative unit or other analytical unit. Broad sub-themes: population characteristics Tot. population, age, gender… population/ human activity levels Resource exploitation, agricultural production
INSPIRE Implementing rules Metadata for discovery Commission Regulation No 2008/1205/EC of 3 December 2008 Data specifications (Annexes I – III) Annex I: for vote to Committee in December 2009 Annex II and III: for vote to Committee in May 2012 Network services Discovery service, View service Voted by INSPIRE Committee, December 2008 Download service, Transformation service: for vote to Committee in December 2009 Invoke service: for vote to Committee in June 2012 Data and service sharing Provision of data from Member States to the Community institutions and bodies Voted by INSPIRE Committee, June 2009 Monitoring and reporting Commission Decision No 2009/443/EC of 5 June 2009
INSPIRE: getting there INSPIRE Directive Implementing rules Metadata Data structure Network services Monitoring and reporting Data and service sharing with EU
Implementation of INSPIRE 15-May-2010: Monitoring and reporting (first delivery) 30-Nov-2010: Geo-portal at Community level 03-Dec-2010: Metadata: Annex I and II October 2011(2): Discovery and view services June 2012(1): Transformation services June 2012(1): Download services June 2012(2): Spatial data sets: Annex I, new/restructured 03-Dec-2013: Metadata: Annex III January 2015(2): Spatial data sets: Annex II and III, new/restr. June 2017(2): Spatial data sets: Annex I - all 30-May-2019: Spatial data sets: Annex II and III – all 1 Date proposed by the commission 2 Date depending on entry into force of measure
Contact us, get more information! E-mail: INSPIRE Website For general public and stakeholders Prototype INSPIRE geo-portal Includes INSPIRE and ISO compliant on-line metadata editor … AND CONTRIBUTE! Your knowledge is valuable!