J.R. Smith Elementary School How to arrive and leave safely
Bus Riders Follow all of the bus drivers directions You will be dismissed a few minutes before the final bell rings Always load in the bus zone by the front door of the school
BIKERS (and scooters) Wear a helmet Use crosswalks Lock your bikes & scooters at the bike racks Walk bikes & scooters while on school property You will be dismissed with the bus students so the sidewalks are clear for walkers
Walkers Stay on sidewalks Use crosswalks Leave the school grounds as soon as the bell rings Meet buddies in the gym No one walks west of the school without a grown-up.
Cars Always wear a seat belt!! Load and Unload in the Yellow Zone Only! At the end of the day, when the final bell rings, report to the gym and line up in the proper line….. Share the following information with your parents….. Single Rider Multiple Riders
YELLOW ZONES Single riders use the yellow zone on 500 North and then use the cross-walk to cross the parking lot. Multiple riders use the yellow zone in the school parking lot. No parking in the yellow zones. Be ready to load or unload quickly.
Morning Drop Off All cars will line up facing west on 500 North Street. (There will be NO LEFT HAND TURN permitted from 500 North into the school parking lot.) PLEASE PULL FORWARD AND STAY IN YOUR VEHICLE. Only when you reach the appropriate YELLOW PAINTED ZONE can your child exit your vehicle!! All students will be helped out of cars and escorted (If needed) into the school. Please make sure your child is ready to quickly exit your car.
Afternoon Pick-Up All cars will line up facing west on 500 North Street. (There will be NO LEFT HAND TURN permitted from 500 North into the school parking lot.) All cars will be issued a name card. Be sure to have the name card visible to help us load the students quickly. When the final bell rings, all students who are being picked up will report to the gym. The lines will be escorted outside once the bus and bikers have cleared the parking lot. The teachers on duty will call out the cars approaching the yellow zone and have the students standing by to quickly load. WILCOX
Helpful Hints Have your children walk to and from the Stake Center about a block east on 500 North. You can pick them up and drop them off in the parking lot and avoid the lines – plus they get a little exercise. Avoid the lines by dropping off 5 minutes earlier and picking up 5 minutes later. No students walk west of the school without a grown-up. If you need to come into the school, please park in the west parking lot.
SAFETY FIRST!!! Keep in mind that the plan is implemented for the safety of all students. Please follow the directions from all posted signs and school employees. The Community Council would appreciate any concerns or constructive comments.