ATOC 4720 class28 The global energy balance at the earth’s surface
In previous class, we obtained Atmospheric moist static energy, which is sum of its enthalpy gravitational potential energy Latent heat content Good diagnostic variable for convection
Atmospheric energy balance For global atmosphere, long-term mean, the moist static Energy is not systematically changing; therefore: It follows that Heat sources and sinks are balanced
The energy balance at the earth’s surface
Globally and time-averaged net upward fluxes of moist Static energy per unit area from the earth’s surface is given by: Net irradiance Sensible heat flux Latent heat flux Explain each on board. Net irradiance: Downward-Upward Sensible heat flux: atm boundary layer turbulence mixing & thermal conduction at the earth’s surface Latent heat flux: latent heat release due to evaporation of water from the earth’s surface;
: net irradiance can be divided into short and long wave part Each term order: Next, we’ll see whether for long term mean and global mean, whether
Energy conservation requires that: Combined internal, potential, kinetic, chemical, And nuclear energy of solid earth, oceans, Polar ice caps, and the biosphere
Burning of fossil fuel and fission in nuclear reactors: Release energy (average) Leakage of geothermal energy (crust): Global mean ocean SST increase: very small (long term mean) [explain] Ice sheet changes:
IR rad latent 21% 23% 7% sen