Parallel Computation of River Basin Hydrologic Response Using DHM Reports Environmental Hydrology Team: NCSA Alliance All-Hands meeting May 23-25, 2001 Urbana, Illinois Baxter E.Vieux Daniel Weber Fekadu G. Moreda Henry Neeman Zhengtao Cui Contact: University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma
Overview Objectives The Distributed Hydrologic Model Preparing the existing model for parallel computing Parallelization Time of computation Coupling the model with ARPS
Objectives Near term Long term Couple atmospheric model and surface runoff model for flood forecasting Improve computational efficiency of surface runoff model Long term Integrate model into EH system
Runoff Simulation Watershed Finite Elements Grid Cell Resolution Rainfall Infiltration Runon Runoff Stream Overland Direction Flow Characteristics Channel Characteristics - Cross-Section Geometry - Slope - Hydraulic Roughness * Rainfall excess at each cell - Soil infiltration rate - Rainfall rate - Runon from upslope Grid Cell Resolution Finite Elements Connectivity Watershed Simulation This schematic diagram shows how runoff is routed from one grid cell to the next through the drainage network defined by the topography. 1
Digital Watershed
Arc.water.fea Forecast Location
Model components Time static (Preprocessing) Time Dynamic Importing DEM Watershed delineation Setup specific experiment Time Dynamic Extraction Simulation Routing
Preparing The Model for Parallel Computing Optimizing the existing code (rewrite in C++) Isolate the I/O operations
Parallelization MPI Load balancing algorithm
Load Balancing Algorithm Processes (Descending loads) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Basin Proc Processor assigned in an alternate fashion
Illinois River Basin, In Okllahoma and Arkansas Illionois river at Tahek
Computation based on Subbasins Total # Subbasins =57 Max# Grid cells 12231 Min # Grid cells 54
Load Balancing
Distribution of loads (16 Processors)
Distribution of load (4 Processors)
Time of computation 9 h 5 h 3 h 1h:30min 01:00:00
Prototype Operational Domain Illinois River Basin Area: 2400km2 Resolution 30m x 30m #Subbasins 370 7 days of monitoring Timestep = 2sec Prediction: better load balancing
Coupling DHM with ARPS Output of ARPS (Rainfall) -> Input to the surface runoff model Flows at subbasin and river streams are predicted Interface to run both models from web Visualization of results (VisAD)
ARPS: Rainfall prediction:01h
ARPS: Rainfall prediction:02h
ARPS: Rainfall prediction:03h
ARPS: Rainfall prediction:04h
Flow Prediction