Absolutely, Positively, 100%, ‘Need to Know’s for Unit 5 (Agriculture)
On a sheet of paper, draw the layout of how you believe agriculture works. Include the main city, then where following are grown/produced: Dairy Market Gardening (Fruits and Vegetables) Ranching Forrest Grains
Two volunteers, please come draw your models on the board and discuss why you chose the placement you did.
Von Thunen Model (Pronounced Von Too-nen) This is THE most important thing in Ag (Unit 5). Many, many questions have been asked about this. Why do you think (answer out loud, please)… Dairy, fruits, and vegetables are so close to the city? Ranching/Livestock are so far away?
Potential Answers Dairy, fruits, and vegetables are so close to the city? They are quick to spoil- it’s better to have them closer to the market. Ranching/Livestock are so far away? These take up quite a bit of land. Land is much more expensive toward the city (we’ll discuss Bid-Rent Theory in a few slides), so ranchers can afford more land when it’s far from the city. Think of where most ranching is done- rural Texas, “fly over states” of the Midwest. You’re far more likely to see fruits/vegetables closer to the city. Potential smells. (Not very pleasant.)
It may not always look perfectly circular.
In fact, it is almost never perfectly circular In fact, it is almost never perfectly circular. That’s just what models are- examples, not reality. They do, however, have similar features. What is something you notice?
Bid-Rent Theory Land Value Distance from Center This theory states that the closer you are to the center (city), the higher the land value. Similarly, the more space you need to grow, the further you need to go out. As distance price Land Value Distance from Center
Agricultural Revolutions 1) Hunting and Gathering Farming 2) Industrial Revolution The Ag Revolution slightly predates Industrial Revolution 3) Green Revolution Same food, just modifying the type. Not technically “green” at all Increases yield BUT kills environment and biodiversity, increases erosion. GMOs – Genetically Modified Organism Spiders and Goats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0zT9CN3-50
Types of Farming Subsistence Commercial Intensive Extensive Large number of inputs Simple technology Fruits and vegetables Some grains (rice) Small expanses of land Extensive Fewer inputs Larger expansion of land Shifting cultivation Shifting fields NOT crop rotation (See next slide) Larger expanses of land Grain and Livestock
Shifting Cultivation Shifting the fields you grow in- not shifting crops grown (Slash and Burn)