Hybrid Search Phased Approach
Approach Summary Benefits: With SharePoint hybrid implementation, productivity services in SharePoint Online can be integrated with on-premises SharePoint Server 2013, 2016 to provide unified functionality and access to data. Once implemented, organizations can choose to implement one or all of the following options: Hybrid Search Business Connectivity Services Duet Enterprise Benefits: Maintain consistency across SharePoint environments. Handle changing business needs with greater flexibility. Access content anytime and anywhere with mobile solutions. Decrease in infrastructure and environment support cost.
Implementation Phases Hybrid search implementation will always depend on organizations SharePoint infrastructure so It is better to invest more time on phase 1 and gain ample knowledge about your environment, understand existing search and infrastructure issues and make a plan in advance with stockholders and responsible teams. Hybrid search implementation is a configuration and PowerShell script based implementation. Script while executing would need information regarding SharePoint, Active Directory and Office 365. Hybrid search implementation should be a 3 phased implementation. Phase 1: Discovery and Planning Phase 2: Outbound Search Implementation Phase 3: Inbound Search Implementation
Phase Details Phase 1 : Discovery and planning phase will help identifying current environment this includes SharePoint 2013, 2016 and SharePoint Online, implementation gaps, understanding and plan for mitigation and analyze minimum requirements to implement federated hybrid search based on the SharePoint environment. Phase 2: Outbound search implementation with installations of required tools, scripts execution based on information discovered in discovery and planning phase, server related changes and configuring outbound search. Phase 3: Inbound Search Implementation with installations of required tools, scripts execution based on information discovered in discovery and planning phase and involves reverse proxy configuration ,secure store service configuration and change in existing search settings.
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