Classwork #1 – Snake Article Classwork #2 – Review Sheet Turn in to the tray at the end of class
Day 1 – Economic Systems (7.E.1.3) Command (communism) Free (capitalism) - Lots of Gov’t involvement - Gov’t makes all decisions - Gov’t owns property - No Profits (Gov’t helps people) - No Competition - Ex. North Korea, Cuba (rare) - Little Gov’t involvement - Individuals Choose - Private property - Profit Driven (make $) - Competition - Ex. Australia Mixed - Gov’t involvement (free < mixed < command) - Individuals & biz make choices - private sector (make money) - Gov’t makes choices - public sector (help people) - Ex. USA (most common economy) Traditional -based on survival -eskimos -zombie apocalypse
7.E.1.1 The student will know: o Colonialism o Imperialism o Globalization o Interdependence How do the terms connect to Economics?
Connecting Terms to economics Day 2 Imperialism The IDEA …of a stronger nation takes control of a weaker nation Different forms: Total Gov’t control Partial Gov’t Control Just taking resources/goods Private business in control Colonialism Actually doing it! Colony Protectorate Sphere of Influence Economic Imperialism
Connecting Terms to economics Free Market/Capitalism Gov’t is NOT involved Pay workers little Unfair and unsafe work Imperialist Rulers get rich It’s legal Capitalism and Imperialism = BFFs Command (communism) Free (capitalism)
Connecting Terms to economics Why are Europe, America, & Japan Imperialists? MAKE MONEY Capitalism Capitalism Work Hard = Rich MAKE MONEY!!! Imperialism (idea) Colonialism
In the current world - Imperialism is over Globalization All nations are connected We buy and sell to each other Interdependence Nations rely on each other No Nation can survive on its own Oil, Coal, Water, Coltan Labor Markets to sell goods