Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar


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Presentation transcript:

Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar Choose Chapter 5: Language

Recap Question Marks: Used to signify that a question is being asked. Exclamation Marks: Used to add emphasis to a statement. Commas: Used for a pause in a sentence. Colon: Used to introduce a list, a definition or a statement. Semi-Colon: Used to separate two independent clauses

I find grammar difficult – there are just too many rules. Dash - Used to replace a colon I find grammar difficult – there are just too many rules. Used to introduce a key idea or for emphasis Grammar is just too complicated and there are too many rules – let's just forget it! Ellipsis … Used to indicate that words have been left out There are certain things that I would like to say but… Used to shorten a sentence but preserve meaning. Parenthesis () Also known as brackets Used to separate phrases that have been inserted into a sentence to explain, comment on or give some more information about something He pulled out the gold case (his only real treasure) and opened it carefully.

Interrogative An interrogative sentence asks a question. This type of sentence often begins with who, what, where, when, why, how, or do It ends with a question mark. When are you going to turn in your writing assignment? Do you know what the weather will be tomorrow?

Declarative A declarative sentence simply makes a statement or expresses an opinion. In other words, it makes a declaration. This kind of sentence ends with a full stop. I want to be a good writer. (Makes a statement) My friend is a really good writer. (Expresses an opinion)

Imperative An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request. It usually ends with a full stop but can, under certain circumstances, end with  an exclamation mark. Please sit down. Sit down now!

Exclamatory An exclamatory sentence is a sentence that expresses great emotion such as excitement, surprise, happiness and anger, and ends with an exclamation point. It is too dangerous to climb that mountain! I got an A on my book report!

How have sentences and punctuation been used in this text? The Catcher in the Rye How have sentences and punctuation been used in this text? Tasks: Find a sentence that uses a dash. Copy it out. What is the impact? Why has it been used? Find a sentence that uses ellipsis. Parentheses are not used in this extract. Choose a sentence and re-write it using parentheses. How has the meaning changed now of your sentence? What different sentence types have been used? Can you find an example of each? What impact do they have on readers?

If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you’ll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don’t feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth. In the first place, that stuff bores me, and in the second place, my parents would have two haemorrhages apiece if I told anything pretty personal about them. They’re quite touchy about anything like that, especially my father. They’re nice and all - I’m not saying that - but they’re also touchy as hell. Besides, I’m not going to tell you my whole goodam autobiography or anything. I’ll just tell you about this madman stuff that happened to me last Christmas just before I got pretty run-down and had to come out and take it easy. I mean that’s all I told D.B. about, and he’s my brother and all. He’s in Hollywood. That isn’t too far from this crumby place, and he comes over and visits me practically every week end. He’s going to drive me home when I go home next month maybe. He just got a Jaguar. One of those little English jobs that can do around two hundred miles an hour. It cost him damn near four thousand bucks. He’s got a lot of dough, now. He didn’t use to. He used to be just a regular writer, when he was home. He wrote this terrific book of short stories, The Secret Goldfish, in case you never heard of him. The best one in it was ‘The Secret Goldfish.’ It was about this little kid that wouldn’t let anybody look at his goldfish because he’d bought it with his own money. It killed me. Now he’s out in Hollywood, D.B., being a prostitute. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s the movies... don’t even mention them to me.


Most people see lots of 5s  Most people see lots of 5s. If they look for longer, they will see that some of the 5s have been reversed and are 2s.   Someone with number – colour synaesthesia will immediately see a triangle of 2s. It would stand out because the 2 and the 5 are seen in two different colours.


Favourite Place Task: Read the description on Costa. How has the writer of this piece made the piece interesting? What language techniques were used? Have they used synaesthesia? How? Have they used all of the senses (describing what she can see, smell, touch, hear and taste)? Use the mark scheme to award the piece a mark. What could they do to improve?

Writing Task Describe and explain your favourite place. Use language techniques and sensory description to write at least three paragraphs. 40 marks – 16 of these are for SPaG – 45 minutes.

Use the Question 5 Mark Scheme to award them a mark out of 40: Peer Evaluation Read your partner’s work. Have they: Used AFOREST techniques? Used sensory description? Used punctuation correctly? Used correct spelling throughout? Use the Question 5 Mark Scheme to award them a mark out of 40: a mark out of 24 for content and organisation a mark out of 16 for technical accuracy (SPaG) Choose Chapter 5: Language