Introductions (continued) Aleksandra Pitt, NPS Rose Verbos, NPS Kerri Cahill, NPS
Presentation Overview Introductions Interagency Visitor Use Management Council (IVUMC) Visitor Use Management Visitor Use Management Framework (the framework) Visitor Capacity Guidebook content and outline Monitoring Guidebook content and outline
Interagency Visitor Use Management Council (IVUMC) Council Vision Providing a unified voice for excellence in visitor use management on our nation’s federally-managed lands and waters to sustain resources and quality visitor experiences. Council Mission Provide guidance on long-term visitor use management policies and give direction on the most pressing needs by building technical competencies and improving interagency coordination. http://visitorusemanagement.nps.gov/
Importance of Visitor Use Management Proactively managing visitor use maximizes the ability of agencies to encourage access, improve visitor experiences, and protect resources and values
Overview of Visitor Use Management Framework
Visitor Use Management Framework
Sliding Scale of Analysis
The Visitor Capacity Guidebook
What is Visitor Capacity? Maximum amounts and types of visitor use that an area can accommodate while sustaining desired resource conditions and visitor experiences that are consistent with the purposes for which the area was established
Guidebook Outline Chapter 1 – Introduction Chapter 2 – Why identify visitor capacity? Chapter 3 – What is visitor capacity? Chapter 4 – How-to identify visitor capacity? Chapter 5 – Implementing visitor capacity Chapter 6 – Case Studies Chapter 7 – The Relationship between the Amount of Visitor Use and Impacts discover in each of the chapters of the guidebook.
Chapter 1 Introduction Builds on IVUMC guidance A component of visitor use management An iterative process Visitor capacity guidelines graphic
Visitor Capacity Guidelines Graphic
Chapter 2 Why identify visitor capacity? Legal requirements Desired condition requirements Decision tree graphic
Chapter 3 What is visitor capacity? Visitor capacity is… A tool A number Value-based An important consideration for making allocation decisions Visitor capacity is not… Solely based on research An isolated decision The same as visitor use management
Chapter 4 How-to identify visitor capacity Four guidelines: Determine the analysis area Review existing direction and knowledge Identify the limiting attribute(s) Identify capacity
Chapter 5 Implementing visitor capacity Direct and indirect management strategies Implementing allocation Monitor, evaluate, and adjust
Chapter 6 Case Study 1: Visitor capacity for Hatu Cave to preserve fragile resources Case Study 2: Estimating visitor capacity for multiple activities in a sparsely-visited Wild River corridor within a Wilderness at the Tundra National Wildlife Refuge
Chapter 6 (continued) Case Study 3: Evaluating a trail capacity, with the potential for future commercial services Case Study 4: Revisiting visitor capacities for Turquoise Lake Wilderness after decades of use
Chapter 7 The relationship between amount of recreation use and environmental impacts David N. Cole The relationship between amount of visitor use and social impacts Stewart Allen Recreational Impacts to Wildlife: Managing visitors and resources to protect wildlife Jeffrey Marion
Tentative Timeline Internal Agency Review Revise draft guidebook Editing HERE: Graphic layout Educational institution review Final editing Graphic layout Release edition one of visitor capacity guidebook
The Monitoring Guidebook
Monitoring Routinely, systematically, and purposely gathering information or observations to assess the status of specific resource conditions and visitor experiences.
Guidebook Outline Chapter 1 – Introduction Chapter 2 – Why monitor? Chapter 3 – What is monitoring? Chapter 4 – How is a monitoring program developed? Chapter 5 – How is monitoring implemented? Chapter 6 – How are monitoring data used?
Chapter 1 Introduction Builds on IVUMC guidance Core element of visitor use management How monitoring is integrated into the VUM framework
Integrating Monitoring Into the VUM Framework
Chapter 2 Why monitor? Essential to objectively evaluate whether desired conditions are being achieved. Trend data is powerful. Monitoring is legally required Tips for success – pitfalls to avoid
Chapter 3 What is monitoring? Types of monitoring Indicators Thresholds Triggers Objectives
Chapter 4 How is a monitoring program developed? Process for identifying and selecting indicators Process for establishing thresholds
Chapter 5 How is monitoring implemented? Program scope Monitor protocols and replication Considerations Funding Data management Communication of monitoring results with stakeholders Changes to indicators and monitoring Etc.
Chapter 6 How are monitoring data used? Problem analysis Management strategies and actions Evaluate and adjust, if needed
Appendices Appendix A: List of sample indicators and thresholds Appendix B: Sample scenarios of Indicators, triggers, thresholds, and objectives Appendix C: Indicator and threshold worksheet Appendix D: Sample monitoring forms
Tentative Schedule Internal Agency Review Comment Resolution HERE: Editing Graphic Layout Educational institution review Final Editing Edition One Release