Maps represent pictures of the places to which we travel. How is this map different than the maps we looked at before. Simon Grynaeus (1493-1541) and Johann Huttich (1490-1544). Novus Orbis Regionum ac Insularum Veteribus Incognitarum. (A New Region of the World. . . .). Basel: Johann Hervagius, 1532 Jay I. Kislak Collection Rare Book and Special Collections Division (38)
Where Did Sir Francis Drake Travel Introduce Sir Francis Drake as another explorer besides Columbus, Ponce de Leon, Cartier, Newport Drake made several voyages. Ask students, “Can you see symbols on the map that tell where he sailed.” What other symbols do you see?How is this map different from the map on the first slide?
Where did Sir Francis Drake travel?
St. Augustine, Florida Let’s look more closely a one place he visited. What do you see?
Drake’s Voyages Baptista Boazio (fl. 1588-1606) Santo Domingo [Dominican Republic] Hand-colored engraving, 1589 Jay I. Kislak CollectionRare Book and Special Collections Division (25.3)