Global Perspective There are 1.4 billion people in our world living off less than $1.25 a day – about 80 pence Another 1.2 billion live on less than $2.


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Presentation transcript:

Global Perspective There are 1.4 billion people in our world living off less than $1.25 a day – about 80 pence Another 1.2 billion live on less than $2 a day There are 1.4 billion people in our world living off less than $1.25 a day – that’s about 80 pence. If you double this amount, you also more than double the amount of people living on this small amount of money – over 3 billion people living on less than $2.50. Wherever you live, that’s not a lot to survive on. (

Imagine… CLOTHING EDUCATION WATER HEALTHCARE FOOD HOME Imagine having just 80 pence a day to cover your: CLOTHING EDUCATION WATER HEALTHCARE FOOD Imagine if you only had 80 pence, just 80 pence every day, to pay for all of your food, water, clothing, education, healthcare, home and anything else that needed paying, not just for you but for your family too. It wouldn’t get you very far would it? What choices would you make? What would your priorities be? HOME

Shift the Balance There are millions and millions of people around the world working hard with what they have, but without the resources or opportunities to progress. There are millions and millions of people around the world working hard with what they have, but without the resources or opportunities to progress. They are not waiting around for someone to rescue them from poverty, they are struggling and striving to make enough to support themselves and their family, to provide enough food for them to eat, to pay for their children's education and healthcare.

Shift the Balance They are full of potential and determination, but with a lack of resources that could help give them a hand up to help unleash that potential. They are full of potential and determination, but with a lack of resources that could help give them a hand up to help unleash that potential and shift the balance from a generation struggling to support themselves and their family to a generation of hopeful, empowered people who are able to stand tall, with their heads held high that they have been able to lift themselves, their families and their communities out of poverty.

Margaret Banda A few years ago, Margaret was struggling to support her and her family, living off just 200 Malawian Kwacha (75 pence) a day. Margaret Banda is a widow, she has three children and she lives in Mchinji, a town in the central region of Malawi. Just a few years ago life for her was very tough. She was earning just 75 pence a day and struggled to provide for her children. She couldn’t afford to send them to school and they regularly didn’t have enough to eat. Margaret’s story is also available as a video – download from the GENERATION DVD-ROM or from

Margaret Banda Margaret joined a Salvation Army microcredit programme and with an initial loan of 7,000 Malawian Kwacha (About £25) set up her own business. Margaret heard about a Salvation Army programme empowering people to set up their own businesses. Margaret was given an initial loan of £25 which she used to set up a mobile restaurant in the local market. She buys and cooks meat, rice, beans and nshima (a staple food made from maize) in the morning, prepares it in the afternoon and sells it in the evening, often working until 10 pm. It is a long and tiring day, but one that yields much better rewards for her hard work. Margaret’s story is also available as a video – download from the GENERATION DVD-ROM or from

Margaret Banda She now earns between 2,000 & 2,500 Kwacha (£7-10) a day – ten times as much as she earned before. She now earns up to £10 a day, which means she can now afford enough food for her and her family – food that lasts for three meals a day instead of just one or two – as well as send her children to school and improve their chances for the future. Life is still a struggle, but Margaret is no longer in extreme poverty. With support and investment, she is shifting the balance and working her way to a better life. Margaret’s story is also available as a video – download from the GENERATION DVD-ROM or from

Margaret Banda Margaret’s story is also available as a video – download from the GENERATION DVD-ROM or from

Major Bert Lapera Major Bert Lapera is a Salvation Army Officer in Calloocan in the Philippines. He is helping the community improve their income and lives. Major Bert Lapera is married with two children and is the Corps Officer (Minister) at Calloocan corps, just north of the capital Manila in the Philippines. In the community that he lives and works, around 70% of people are living below the poverty line, despite most people being employed or engaged in their own businesses to earn a living. Major Bert Lapera’s story is also available as a video – download from the GENERATION DVD-ROM or from

Major Bert Lapera Bert helps people in the community make cleaning products to use and sell to help them earn an income. Bert set up a co-operative[1] in the community whose purpose was to help people save money and help run their own businesses and earn enough money to live. As part of this co-operative, Bert holds regular sessions teaching members how to make their own washing up liquid, washing powder, fabric conditioner and perfume, which can be used by the members for their own needs as well as be sold to others to earn money. [1] A co-operative is a business organisation which is owned and operated by a group of individuals for their mutual benefit. (Economics: Principles in action by Arthur O'Sullivan and Sheffrin Steven) Major Bert Lapera’s story is also available as a video – download from the GENERATION DVD-ROM or from

Major Bert Lapera The co-operative also sells a variety of products – all members get a discount as well as a share of the profits. The co-operative has a number of trustees who have each invested 5,000 Pesos (about £70) into the business. The members are also invited to invest some money into the business as well. Trustees and members are then able to buy the products sold by the co-operative at a reduced price, as well as receiving an equal share of the profits. The co-operative also helps to raise money for the running of the corps. Major Bert Lapera’s story is also available as a video – download from the GENERATION DVD-ROM or from

Major Bert Lapera Bert is helping to shift the balance in his community by empowering people with the skills he has to help them lift themselves out of poverty. Bert is helping to shift the balance in his community by sharing the skills he has and empowering people to improve their own lives and earn a decent income. Major Bert Lapera’s story is also available as a video – download from the GENERATION DVD-ROM or from

…of knowledge Shift the balance… We can change this. We can put an end to the shocking amount of people who are living in poverty around our world, who do not have enough money to provide for everything that they and their family need. We can: SHIFT THE BALANCE OF KNOWLEDGE – Help us to raise awareness of the injustice that exists in our world and what we can do to change it.

…of inequality Shift the balance… SHIFT THE BALANCE OF INEQUALITY – It’s not right that so many women in our world don’t have the same opportunities to earn a living as men and are therefore usually the poorest. Many of our programmes focus on the empowerment of women, so by supporting GENERATION you are also supporting the fight for gender equality.

…of wealth Shift the balance… SHIFT THE BALANCE OF WEALTH – Give money to help people access small loans, grants and skills training to help the poorest people get on their feet and work their own way out of poverty.

Support GENERATION and help us shift the balance. Contact details +44 (0)20 7367 4777