The Integumentary System Mrs. Higgins, LVT Locust Trace Agriscience Center Veterinary Assistant Program
Integumentary…! Consists of: Functions: Skin glands hair, fur wool feathers scales claws beaks horns hooves nails Functions: water proofs prevents fluid loss temperature regulation vitamin D synthesis
Purpose Skin covers the external surfaces of the body. Skin is composed of epithelial tissue also known as epithelium
Skin Stratification 3 layers: Epidermis (E) Dermis (F) Subcutaneous (G)
Epidermis Contains keratin (waterproofing properties) Melanocytes= black pigment Melanin: protects skin from harmful rays
Dermis Layer directly deep to the epidermis Composed of blood and lymph vessels nerve fibers accessory organs of the skin
Subcutaneous layer Also known as the hypodermis Deep to the dermis Composed of connective tissue Large amount of fat/lipid Adipocytes are fat cells that produce lipid
Accessories: Glands Two main categories: Sebaceous and sudoriferous Sebaceous= secrete oily substance Oily substance called sebum Located in the dermis Closely associated with hair follicles Sebum released from gland thru duct that open into hair follicles
Accessories: Glands Sudoriferous glands (sweat glands) Located in the dermis Produce and secrete water, salt, and waste Help regulate body temperature Modified sweat glands: ceruminous located in the ear canal, secrete serum, commonly called ear wax!
Accessories: Hair Rod like fibers made from dead protein cells filled with keratin Hair shaft Portion of hair extending beyond the skin surface and is composed of the cuticle, cortex, and medulla.
Accessories: Hair Arrector pili Piloerection Tiny muscle attached to the hair follicle that causes the hair to stand erect in response to cold temp or stress Piloerection Raising the hackles
Accessories: Nails, claws, and hooves Dogs and cats have sensitive tissue known as the quick inside each nail Contains blood vessels and nerve endings
Diagnostic Procedures Biopsy Intradermal skin testing Skin scrape Tissue culture
Too many to list!!!!! From acne to seborrhea The list goes on and on! Conditions of the skin Too many to list!!!!! From acne to seborrhea The list goes on and on!