Goal to explore the scale of the universe Objectives: To explore planetary sizes To explore star sizes/planetary distances To explore distances between stars To explore galaxy size To explore groupings of galaxies To explore the observable universe
The moon 2000 miles
Sun 110X size of Earth
If sun was 1 cm in diameter Aldeberan orbit of Mercury (40 cm) Betelgeuse orbit of Saturn (10 m) VY Canis Majoris orbit of Uranus (14 m) Orbit of Neptune at 30 AU (30 m)
Distances to stars Nearest to sun, 25 trillion miles If the diameter of the sun was 1 cm the nearest star would be 300 km away. If Neptune was 1 cm from sun the nearest star would be 80 m away.
400 light years If sun to Nearest star Was 1 cm Betelgeuse Would be 1 m away.
1500 Light Years
Local group - http://www.anzwers.org/free/universe/
Nearby region of the universe 1 billion light years
Conclusion The universe is a very big place. Its scale dwarfs everything and requires multiple scales to understand.