Unit 4 INTRODUCING MUSIC COMPOSITION Learning Aim A YOUR NAME HERE What you need to do: - You need to work through each slide - Make sure all work is in your own words - Make it your own - add pictures, change theme/fonts etc. - Check your spelling
GRADING CRITERIA for LEARNING AIM A To achieve a Pass you must be able to: 2A.P1 Create four contrasting musical ideas in response to a compositional brief that could form the basis for a composition, showing use of at least two different starting points. To achieve a Merit you must be able to: 2A.M1 Create four effective and contrasting musical ideas in response to a compositional brief that could form the basis for a composition, showing the appropriate application of at least two different starting points. To achieve a Distinction you must be able to: 2A.D1 Create four detailed and contrasting musical ideas in response to a compositional brief that could form the basis for a composition, showing the imaginative and appropriate application of least two different starting points.
Task 1 Learning aim A: Explore creative stimuli to meet a brief Scenario You have a job interview for the position of composer for a broadcasting company. The interview is only a short time away and you need to create four original ideas, lasting between 10 and 20 seconds that show different styles. You know that the company specialises in TV programming of many different shows such as documentaries, reality TV, drama etc. Your four ideas should each have a different programme in mind and different starting points, to show off your flexibility as a composer.
Horror Show TV Theme Tune A. Portfolio of FOUR short ideas, notated in an appropriate format. IDEA 1 Horror Show TV Theme Tune Compose a short 10-20 second idea for the above brief, and evidence your composition here:
IDEA 1 Composition Process
A. Portfolio of FOUR short ideas, notated in an appropriate format A. Portfolio of FOUR short ideas, notated in an appropriate format. IDEA 2 2. An emotive piece of music for a dramatic scene, e.g Action, Romance, Tragedy Compose a short 10-20 second idea for the above brief, and evidence your composition here:
IDEA 2 Composition Process
3. Computer Game e.g. latest Call of Duty game A. Portfolio of FOUR short ideas, notated in an appropriate format. IDEA 3 3. Computer Game e.g. latest Call of Duty game Compose a short 10-20 second idea for the above brief, and evidence your composition here:
IDEA 3 Composition Process
A. Portfolio of FOUR short ideas, notated in an appropriate format A. Portfolio of FOUR short ideas, notated in an appropriate format. IDEA 4 4. Theme song for TV show e.g. Friends, Big Bang Theory, SpongeBob , Peppa Pig – remember to identify your target audience. Compose a short 10-20 second idea for the above brief, and evidence your composition here:
IDEA 4 Composition Process