Wildlife Extension Programs 2017-2018 Matthew Springer, Ph.D. Assistant Extension Professor of Wildlife Management Department of Forestry and Natural Resources mattspringer@uky.edu 859-257-8633
What are the programs? Wildlife Damage Management
Black Vulture and Coyote Control and Management Matthew Springer, Ph.D. Assistant Extension Professor of Wildlife Management Department of Forestry University of Kentucky
Predator Control: Backyard Flocks and Small Operations Matthew Springer, Ph.D. Assistant Extension Professor of Wildlife Management Department of Forestry University of Kentucky
Dealing with Wildlife: Fencing Netting, and Other Strategies for Home Gardens/Landscaping Matthew Springer, Ph.D. Assistant Extension Professor of Wildlife Management Department of Forestry University of Kentucky
What are the programs? Wildlife Damage Management Hunting related issues
Food Plots: Good Idea? What Do I Plant and How? Matthew Springer Ph.D. Assistant Extension Professor of Wildlife Management Department of Forestry, University of Kentucky
Potential to earn more income on your property… but it is worth it? Hunt Leasing Potential to earn more income on your property… but it is worth it? Dr. Matthew Springer Assistant Extension Professor of Wildlife Management Department of Forestry University of Kentucky
What are the programs? Wildlife Damage Management Hunting related issues Forest Management for Wildlife and Biodiversity and Conservation Snake ID site http://kysnakes.ca.uky.edu/
Forest Management for Wildlife Matthew Springer Assistant Extension Professor of Wildlife Management Department of Forestry, University of Kentucky
and Matthew Springer, Ph.D. Cavity Nesting Birds Laurie Thomas and Matthew Springer, Ph.D. Assistant Extension Professor of Wildlife Management Department of Forestry University of Kentucky
Winter Birds: How to Help Them Survive the Winter Matthew Springer Extension Wildlife Specialist
What are the programs? Wildlife Damage Management Hunting related issues Forest Management for Wildlife and Biodiversity and Conservation Future Programs Kentucky Native Wildlife Species Blog- January 2018 PRIDE GRANT 4-H Bat program Spring 2018 Kentucky Forest Leadership Program https://kflp.ca.uky.edu/
Questions??? Contact Info: Matthew Springer , Ph.D. Assistant Extension Professor of Wildlife Management mattspringer@uky.edu 859-257-8633 http://forestry.ca.uky.edu/matthew-springer https://www.facebook.com/UKWildlifeExtension/