Study Skills Mrs. Debbie Miller
What Do We Do In Study Skills?? Students will take some self assessments and learning inventories to learn more about their personality and learning style . Students will apply knowledge gained through self assessments and learning inventories to school. Students will learn about brain research. Students will apply brain research to real life learning situations. Students will learn the “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens”, by Stephen Covey. Students will learn about non-fiction text structures and how to apply this information in content area courses. Students will complete a non-fiction book report using a book of their choice.
What Do We Do in Study Skills??? Goal Setting Time Management Note Taking Career Exploration Any reading that we do in this class will use Non-Fiction Text
Projects Completed alone or with a group (students usually learn a lot about their work habits when they work with a partner). Students will apply what they know about the concepts discussed in class. Students can use the library, internet and class materials to complete projects. Students will represent concepts using a variety of mediums- like writing, art, and speeches. Students end the year with a career project
Self Assessments
Self Assessments Learning Style Multiple Intelligence Introvert vs. Extrovert Left Brain vs. Right Brain
Grading Policy You have to try to do poorly in this class! This is because most of the work is completed in class. What students do not finish in class becomes homework ( especially if the student is off task or talking). Students receive a rubric when they are to complete a project. Students will be told ahead of time how much an assignment is worth. Students will be given a grace period if they are sick or have another life event that prevents them from completing their work. Some in class activities will be collected for a small (10-20 point) grade to make sure students are participating in class. Five points will deducted for each day an assignment is late.