Welcome to Junior High ELA Email: cgaca@bmcss.org Phone: (815) 932-7413
Expectations Be on time for class Turn assignments in on time Participate in class Ask questions Be respectful Never give up Always do your best
Homework Homework for class will consist of vocabulary work, reading, and written assignments I like to give more than 1 day to complete homework when possible All homework can be found on the Bishop McNamara website under Grade 7-8 Kankakee A calendar will let students know of homework due dates and test dates Studying is considered homework. Students are given advanced notice of upcoming tests. Studying each night vs. cramming gives the most successful results. Students are always welcome before and after school to study for a test with me
Tests and Quizzes In literature class, basic reading quizzes are given the next day if reading homework is assigned. Literature tests consist of vocabulary definition recognition, and vocabulary usage, multiple choice questions addressing story ideas and fiction and nonfiction diocesan standards. Each literature test will have writing components ( short answer and essay length) Students take notes in class by answering questions and annotating stories to use as a study guide, In writing, grammar tests in the forms of diagramming and answering questions will be given. Students have notes with examples to study. Noredink.com is also a good resource to aid in preparing for a grammar test. When extended writing and conferencing is happening, students will work on a set of vocabulary words which come with a story. They will be tested on these words (definition and usage) 8th graders: speech memorization counts as 2 test grades with a final speech test in October before contest.
8th Grade Literature Curriculum Students will analyze short stories, poetry, nonfiction articles, and novels The Giver by Lois Lowry-November/December 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Stephen Covey-April/May Independent novels of their choosing- October, February Students will use literary elements such as: plot Theme Characterization figurative language Foreshadowing Symbolism Students will use inference skills to dig deep and analyze author’s craft Students will cite both implicit and explicit details from the text
7th and 8th Grade Writing/Language Arts Curriculum Comprised of Writing, Vocabulary, Grammar, and Speaking and Listening Students will write in the forms of narrative, expository (including research), argumentative/persuasive, and poetry conduct research on a topic of their choice use phrases and clauses to improve sentence structure study and use grammar skills in their writing use more specific complex vocabulary in addition to studying Greek and Latin Roots study and use MLA format for citations in their writing participate in discussions with their peers participate in the Illinois Literary Speech Contest
Illinois Literary Speech Contest Each 6th-8th Grader will participate in the IESA Literary Speech Contest. This year’s contest will be on Saturday, November 3, 2018 at Kennedy Middle School in Kankakee. Contest will begin promptly at 8A.M. and end around noon. Parents are responsible for driving their student to and from the contest site. Students already have their speeches and are working on memorizing them. Testing of memorization of the first half of the script has taken place. The final memorization test will take place on September 28th. During October, students will practice actions with their memorized lines during class. However, they will still need to practice outside the classroom. As and IESA rule, all students must be passing their classes in order to participate at contest.
Ways to Help Your Student Become Successful at Speech Contest Practice being the other character in the speech while your child says his/her lines Set goals of memorizing 2-3 lines each night Say lines while performing an action Always begin at the beginning of the speech every time you practice.
7th/ 8th Grade Literature and Writing/L.A. Grading Scale 100-93=A 92-85=B 84-77=C 76-70=D 69 and below =F Homework is worth 10% of total points Classwork/Products are worth 40% of the total points Tests/Quizzes are worth 50% of the total points Grades will be updated in School Speak on Wednesdays All students should have a planner to write down their assignments.