Habit #4 Think Win-Win (Part 2)
Win-Lose Is competitive “I win, you lose!” Is comparative “as long as I’m better than you…”
Lose-Win You lose, others win (you’re a doormat) Appears that you are “the nice guy” Lose-Win is okay for insignificant things Examples: Who sits in the front of the car Who goes first Which drawers you put your clothes in
Lose-Lose I lose, you lose “If I’m going down, then you’re going down with me.
Compromise You both get most of what you want Every gives up something
Win - Win Everyone wins! There is plenty of success to go around A win-win attitude adds to relationship bank accounts
Relationship Scale Win – Win Compromise Win – Lose Lose – Win Think about 3 significant relationships that you currently have. In your notes, draw this scale and place their names where they belong on the scale.
Silent Reading Review “Win-Win” thinking on pages 146-161 in the book entitled The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey. Take Cornell Notes
On Your Own