By: Olivia Rovang and Megan Talbert John Locke By: Olivia Rovang and Megan Talbert
Biography John Locke was born on August 29th, 1632 in England and lived to became one of the most influential people in England and, perhaps, one of the most influential people of the 17th century. Before his death on October 24th, 1704 he would earn his title as the Father of liberal philosophy. His ideas would also be used as a keystone for the revolution of the North American colonies from England. His two parents were Agnes Keene and John Locke. His mother died during his infancy so both John and his only brother Thomas Locke were raised mainly by their father, who was an attorney. As such John was home schooled until he turned 14 where he then attended Westminster school for the next 6 years. Locke spent his final 14 years in Essex at the home of Sir Francis Masham and his wife, the philosopher Lady Damaris Cudworth Masham. He died there on October 24, 1704, as Lady Damaris read to him from the Psalms.
Why is he important?? He is most famous for his contributions to Western Philosophy and shaping the thinking of America’s founders. He is also known as the father of liberal philosophy, his ideas were used as the cornerstone thinking of the Revolution of the United States against England.
John Lock & Child Development Developed a theory that children are shaped by their experiences and perceptions of those experiences Children do not respond well to lectures but enjoy being treated as rational people who can make their own decisions Children come into the world as a blank slate (Tabula Rasa) Ex. When a baby is born they don’t have memories of experiences but they build them over time and learn
Educationalists Theory An adult can have a lasting effect on child’s personality People are neither inherently good nor evil but learn from their experiences This theory became a catalyst for child development being considered its own field Locke considered passionate music to be detrimental for children because it increased their emotions
How did he develop this theory? Worked as a physician and helped with children’s healthcare and learning disabilities in children He did not have kids of his own.
Video of a cute kid struggling accompanied by John Locke commentary