Your Mock Interview & CV Remember that our key theme for this term is ‘You & the world of work’ Your new task is to create a CV for your Mock Interview Finding a healthy balance How we fit into the wider world ‘Wiring’ for Learning & Life Show Respect & Be Assertive Getting the right Mindset to succeed Year 10 PD Summer 2018
Your Mock Interview Remember that you’ll meet a professional to talk about your plans for the future And that talk will start with your paper CV…
Your CV Your CV is basically your professional ‘advert’ It presents you and your plans in a positive way So it’s really worth doing a good job…
Your CV There’s no ‘perfect’ or set format for a CV But it’s always best to start with a simple layout And to include some ‘standard’ sections So that’s what we’ll do today…
, , Name Contact details Personal statement Work History @ Contact details Personal statement Work History Education & Qualifications Achievements & Key Skills Interests & Hobbies , References
Is like a title for your CV Make it big & clear , Name Is like a title for your CV Make it big & clear , @ , ,
, Just home address And school email No more personal info , , @ Contact details Just home address And school email No more personal info , ,
, @ Personal statement Like a personal advert Just a few sentences that sum-up what you’d like to do in the future and why. , ,
Include a part time job if you have one , @ Work History Include a part time job if you have one And include where you’ll be going for your Work Experience week. , ,
Use a neat table to list your GCSE subjects and predicted grades , @ Education & Qualifications Just focus on QES Use a neat table to list your GCSE subjects and predicted grades , ,
Achievements can be academic eg Awards Or can be sporting eg winning cups Key skills could include things such as cooking, graphics, music etc , @ Achievements & Key Skills , ,
Your chance to expand on the ‘real’ you! , @ Your chance to expand on the ‘real’ you! So just a few sentences on what you do outside school, such as sports, horses, reading, drama, MTB…whatever! Interests & Hobbies , ,
Can add another, such as boss or sports coach @ Just include Miss O’Neill Can add another, such as boss or sports coach , References ,
Your CV Pick one of these Templates to help you get started ‘Plain’ Easiest to use to get a CV that will do the job well. ‘Blocks’ Can be customised more if you want to make the extra effort.
Your CV Files will download as a Word document Click File & Save As Put in My Documents So you can find later! Use these for Help Get ideas for what to write in each section
Your CV - Homework Today 24 April Deadline 1 22 May Mock Interviews Thurs, 21 June Work Experience 9 – 13 July M 30 7 14 21 29 4 11 18 25 2 10 16 M 28 M 9 Initial Deadline for checking your CV eg ready for peer evaluation Half Term 28 May – 2 June Final Deadline 8 June End of Term Fri, 20 July Year 10 PD Summer 2018