Energy Data Access: Open Data Opens Doors Lynda OMalley Cleantech Industry Analyst Market Intelligence MaRS Discovery District
Smart Meters By the Numbers Ontario: 4.7 million smart meters 2.6 million are green button enabled Image courtesy of Windsor Star The United States: Over 3,000 utilities 144,500,000 customers 493 utilities have smart meters 37,290,374 smart meters 25 utilities have implemented and 44 have committed to Green Button 36 million homes and businesses 16 million already have access to Download my Data 11 million utility customers committed to Connect my Data
Smart Meter Market The North American smart meter penetration rate will surpass 80% by Europe will follow that level by Asia Pacific, led by China, is projected to reach a 70% penetration rate by Source: 131 Million annual smart meter shipments in 2018
Data grid consumerenterprise Source: building envelope HVAC pool/hot tub lighting occupancy kitchen laundry electronics water heater and use solar electric systems operational nonoperational meter event message metadata building envelope industrial machinery operational submeter district heating financial
Analytics grid consumerenterprise Source: transformer substation fault detection and outage load prediction power quality/power factor network weather and renewables demand response/virtual power plant theft analysis predictive asset management Insight Heating and Cooling Education Retrofits Verification Real Estate Solar DOE industrial site machinery HVAC optimization district heating system performance distributed generation renewables demand response
Smart Grid Data Analytics grid $8.7 billion consumer $7.1 billion enterprise $4.2 billion Source: utility analytics market (2020) $20 billion
Solutions grid consumerenterprise Source: you? Pile on the Datasets!
The EPA Data Finder – National Climatic Data Center –
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Happy Hacking! Lynda OMalley Industry Analyst, Cleantech Market Intelligence MaRS Discovery District Get your data sets!
Types of Consumer Energy Data
Types of Smart Grid Data
Examples of Grid Analytics