Elizabeth Lesson 4: The Difficulties for a female Ruler-The Role of Parliament Even better: Evaluate how much of a difficulty Parliament posed to Elizabeth Good learning: Understand the Role of Parliament in Elizabeth’s rule Great learning: Explain how Elizabeth controlled Parliament Key Words: Parliament, Traitors, Royal Veto, Peers, Burgesses, monopolies
Democracy and the Rule of Law In modern Britain we have a democracy in which people vote for who they want to represent them in Parliament and also sometimes in referendums on important issues such as Brexit. Britain was not a democracy in the same way in Tudor times as all important decisions were made by the Monarch. There were however elections for the House of Commons but they were not always contested and only a few wealthy men could vote. The Rule of Law (the fact that no-one, not even a Queen, is above the law) did however dictate that Parliament had to be consulted and agree if taxes were to be raised. This dated back to the Magna Carta of 1215.
Understand the Role of Parliament in Elizabeth’s rule On page 22 of the book there is a timeline table of ‘Main business enacted by Parliament’ and a FACTFILE ‘Parliament in the reign of Elizabeth’ Use these to create a mind map(s) in your exercise book (take up at least a double page). Key elements to make sure you incorporate are the dates Parliament met, statistics about Parliament, details about the structure of Parliament and how passing laws worked.
Understand the Role of Parliament in Elizabeth’s rule: Test Your Progress https://create.kahoot.it/details/elizabeth-and-parliament/3c7e6058-7887-4811-8fdc-7a8ff1c6e3eb
Explain how Elizabeth controlled Parliament Pick out what you think are the three strongest ways in which Elizabeth controlled Parliament Explain why each of the three reasons would enable her to control Parliament Parliament challenged Elizabeth more in her later years notably over Monopolies. Why do you think this was the case? (read ‘Years of Decline’ p24) Parliament only met when Elizabeth summoned it. Parliament sessions could be dissolved (ended) when Elizabeth chose. Elizabeth could use her royal veto to reject any Act of Parliament. At times Elizabeth attended Parliament herself (this would intimidate MPs, who would not wish to directly contradict the Queen). Members of the Privy Council who were loyal to Elizabeth and powerful men sat in both the House of Lords and House of Commons. The Queen appointed the Speaker who controlled what topics were discussed and the direction of discussion. Elizabeth imposed limits on MPs’ rights to free speech for example Peter Wentworth was imprisoned in 1576 for what he said about Elizabeth marrying and rights to free speech. Elizabeth had strong powers of patronage (give rewards to supporters) and many MPs owed their seat in Parliament to her or her councillors, promotions would also depend on pleasing the Queen and her councillors.
Evaluate how much of a difficulty Parliament posed to Elizabeth To demonstrate high level skills we need to use what we’ve learned about Elizabeth and Parliament to make judgements about the level of difficulty Parliament posed Elizabeth. Does the evidence suggest that Elizabeth was/ wasn’t caused difficulties by Parliament? In 140 days parliament passed 434 Laws (each had to be read 3 times and pass in both Houses) Only 10% of MPs spoke in debates Only 47% of MPs voted in Parliament on average In 29 of the 45 years of her Reign Parliament did not sit at all In 11 of 13 Parliaments taxes were raised for Elizabeth Using your notes on how Elizabeth controlled Parliament do you think Parliament caused a Elizabeth difficulty? Explain your answer and think if there was any change over time.
Evaluate how much of a difficulty Parliament posed to Elizabeth Using the Sources on page 23 who seems to hold power? (write your answer on a whiteboard) Source 10- Parliament or Elizabeth Source 11- Parliament or Elizabeth Source 12- Elizabeth’s Councillors or Elizabeth J.E. Neale (p24) argues that Parliament’s power grew under Elizabeth, do you agree? Why? Neale says that Parliament and Elizabeth relationship was one of conflict, Elton says it was of co-operation, who do you think is right? Why?
Elizabeth Lesson 4: The Difficulties for a female Ruler-The Role of Parliament Progress Check: for each of the objectives give a mark out Of 5 indicating how confident you are that you you’ve achieved the objective Even better: Evaluate how much of a difficulty Parliament posed to Elizabeth Good learning: Understand the Role of Parliament in Elizabeth’s rule Great learning: Explain how Elizabeth controlled Parliament Key Words: Parliament, Traitors, Royal Veto, Peers, Burgesses, monopolies