Assessment Read the comments I have made Complete the student response by completing the EBI’s I have set Put the title: The Sacraments – Baptism and today’s date
Lesson Launch – in your books Sunday, 18 November 2018 The sacraments: Baptism Lesson Launch – in your books What is meant by the term ritual? Challenge: Can you give examples of rituals? Learning objective: to understand the meaning, role and significance of sacraments for Christians. (A02)
The sacraments: Baptism Sunday, 18 November 2018 The sacraments: Baptism Learning objective: to understand the meaning, role and significance of sacraments for Christians. (A02) Progress Indicators Grade 2 I can explain the meaning of baptism. Grade 4 I can explain the significance of different forms of baptism. Grade 6 I can evaluate the impact that baptism has on a Christians life.
sacraments: rites and rituals through which the believer receives a special gift of grace; for Catholics, Anglicans and many Protestants, sacraments are ‘outward signs’ of ‘inward grace’. baptism: the ritual through which people become members of the Church; baptism involved the use of water as a symbol of the washing away of sin. believers’ baptism: initiation into the Church, by immersion in water, of people old enough to understand the ceremony / rite and willing to live a Christian life. infant baptism: the ritual through which babies and young children become members of the Church, where promises taken on their behalf by adults; the infant is freed from sin and introduced to the saving love of God and support of the Christian community.
What are sacraments? Sacraments are holy rituals that outwardly express an inner, spiritual experience. They make visible for believers a special gift of grace, Catholic and Orthodox Christians expect seven sacraments which they believe to have been initiated by Jesus: Baptism Confirmation Holy Communion Marriage Holy Orders Reconciliation Anointing of the sick Many Protestant Churches see baptism and Holy Communion as important rituals because they believe Jesus instructed them to undertake these. Some Churches that practice believers’ baptism consider it an important ceremony but do not refer to it as a ‘sacrament’. Some Churches like the Quakers of The Salvation Army, do not use any sacraments.
How do sacraments help Christians? Sacraments involve symbolic actions, words, and physical elements such as water in baptism and bread and wine in Holy Communion. Many Christians believe that sacraments are special rituals which help to strengthen their relationship with God by making him a part of their life. They are important to the Christian community because they affirm that Christians are part of the Body of Christ, the Church, with all its responsibilities.
Baptism In baptism the person is formally acknowledged as a child of God and receives God’s saving grace; the person’s sins are forgiven and he or she enters a new life with Jesus Christ. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father an of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:16 [NIV] When John the Baptist Jesus in the Jordan River, two extraordinary things happened that showed God’s approval of his son’s mission (see Mark1:9-11). Jesus’ baptism set an example for his followers to be baptised in order to receive the Holy Spirit and begin a new life in the Christian community.
Infant baptism Catholics and Orthodox Christians believe that infant baptism removes the original sin for a baby. At an infant baptism, the child is welcomed into the Church as soon as possible, and the parents are able to thank God for their new baby and celebrate the birth with family and friends. Godparents and parents promise to bring up the child in a Christian faith. Rites vary but the priest or minister says: ‘I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.’ Symbols used in an infant baptism: Water Making the sign of a cross on the baby’s forehead Anointing with oil Dressing the child in white Giving the parents a candle lit from the Paschal candle The congregation welcomes the newest member of the Christian community.
‘in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.’ Believers’ baptism Some Christians think that a baby is too young to understand the meaning of baptism, so people should wait and be baptised when they are old enough to come to a mature decision about their faith. They believe that baptism does not itself save a person; it is someone's conversion to living a life dedicated to Jesus that is important. Rites vary but the priest or minister says: Believers baptism involves full immersion in a pool, symbolising the cleansing from sin and the rising up to new life with Christ. Rites vary but usually the minister talks about the importance of baptism and asks if the candidates ate willing to change their lives. Each person may read a Bible passage and give a brief testimony of their faith in Jesus as their personal saviour. ‘in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.’
The sacraments: Baptism Explain different Christians attitudes towards sacraments among Christians. Infant baptism Should parents have their children baptised if they have no intention of bringing them up as Christians? Explain your view. Challenge: Explain why sacraments are important both to an individual and to the Christian community. Believers’ baptism Baptism: Why is John the Baptist an important figure in Christianity? Homework: Explain two beliefs about baptism. Refer to scripture in your answer. (5 marks) “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father an of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:16 [NIV]
Explain two beliefs about baptism. Refer to scripture in your answer Explain two beliefs about baptism. Refer to scripture in your answer. (5 marks) Explain what Baptism is Describe infant baptism and use a quote to support Describe believer’s baptism and use a quote/Biblical story to support