The Black Hand and the Assassination of the Austro Hungarian Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
Why The Arch Duke was Assassinated? Ferdinand was in line to be the next heir to the Austro/Hungarian Empire Austria/Hungry governed Serbia Franz Ferdinand was to offer the Serbs more local control. Emperor Franz Joseph
The Reasoning Behind the Assassination The Black Hand was a nationalist group wanting liberation. If Ferdinand came to the thrown, He would give the Serbs more local control. the Serbs would have less desire to fight for their independence. When the Arch Duke is murdered, the Black believed Serbs would loose hope and revolt.
The Sarajevo Murder Black Hand Seal Assassin Gavrilo Prinzip apprehended
Yugoslavia Serbia after WW2 became Yugoslavia
Sarajevo (Capital of Serbia) Winter Olympics 1984
Yugoslavia's Dictator Dies Yugoslavia's Dictator Dies. Serbs kill Muslim Bosnians for their support of Germany in WW1 and then turning over thousands of Serbs During WW2 US Goes to war to protect the Bosnians