Classification and Taxonomy Relationships Among Organisms EOC Review Classification and Taxonomy Relationships Among Organisms
Classification and Taxonomy Essential Question How can a biologist tell if two organisms belong to the same kingdom? Organisms that belong to the same kingdom share structural and physiological characteristics that enable scientists to place then in distinct groups Check with students
1. Domains & Kingdoms The domain is a the largest, most inclusive category than any other — larger than a kingdom. 3 Domains ; 6 Kingdoms Eukaryota Eubacteria Archaebacteria
3. & 4. Check Answers - Kingdom Characteristics Check with students – have the students highlight the defining characteristics
6 – Check answers- Organism Cards Archaebacteria Eubacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animal -Ameoba -Paramecium -Spirogyra green algae -Sargassam brown -Red marine algae Diatoms -Bread Mold -Pencillium mold -Bracket Fungi -Mushrooms -Grasses -Equisetum (horsetail) -Oak Tail -Venus Fly trap -Fern plants -Spruce trees -Earthworm -Jellyfish -Starfish -Crayfish -Clam -Diamond back rattlesnake -Squirrel -Bluejay -Bull frog -Catfish -Swallowtail butterfly -Methanobacterium bacteria -Halophile -Thermophile -Cocci bacteria -Bacillus bacteria -Spirillium bacteria
Check Answer: 7. Did using only pictures of the organisms make it difficult to determine which kingdom the organisms belonged to? Yes using only pictures of the organisms means you can’t move an organism around and examine different parts of it more closely, and its internal features cannot be examined and compared with other body parts.
8. Discuss why an organism was placed in certain Kingdom? Eubacteria Archaebacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia Cell type Prokaryotic Eukaryote Number of cells Unicellular thermophile Most unicellular some multi Most multicellular some unicellular Multicellular Mode of nutrition Autotroph or heterotrophs Autotrophs or heterotrophs Heterotrophs Autotrophs Go over the important defining characteristics
9. Check your Hierarchical Classification System Check with students
Let’s Review - Classification Vocabulary Taxonomy-science that deals with the naming and classifying organisms Binomial nomenclature -classification system in which each species is assigned a two part naming system Genus-group of closely related species Family- groups of closely related genus Order- group of closely related families Class- group of closely related orders Phylum- groups of closely related classes Kingdom- groups of closely related phylum; 6 kingdoms Kingdom is the most inclusive category, and species in least inclusive King Philip Came Over For Good Soup Panthera tigris
Check your Answer 10. Why is it important to scientists to have a standardized classification system? Having a standardized classification system means that all scientists follow the same system. This brings clarity to the study of organisms by ensuring that scientists in different parts of the world don’t end up giving different names to the same organism.
I need to remember . . . Scientists use internal and external characteristics to classify organisms into similar groups. Within the hierarchical classification system, the domain is the group that includes the greatest number of organisms and exhibits the greatest diversity of organisms. The species is the group that includes the fewest number of organisms and exhibits the least diversity of organisms. Taxonomy is a branching classification system that provides a standardized method for grouping organisms.
Let’s Review: Ecology and Relationships Among Organisms Levels of Organization individual species groups of organisms of a similar species in the same area groups of populations that live together in a defined area group of communities includes all biotic and abiotic factors Go over the levels of organization group of ecosystems that have the same climate and similar dominant communities All the biotic and abiotic parts