Pharmacobotany 2 Lecture 13
Subclassis: ZINGIBERIDAE perennial herbs or trees with a simple trunk flowers: colorful perianth perigonium in 2 whorls: calyx- and corolla-like zygomorphy, asymmetry highly adapted to insect pollination
Ordo: Zingiberales herbs with rhizomes, or woody plants with secondary thickening wet, marshy forests of tropical areas leaf base with sheath “false axis” pollination: birds, mice rhizome: excentric starch
Familia: Zingiberaceae Ginger family tropical perennial herbs gene centre: South-East-Asia fleshy rhizome or tuberous root zygomorphic, 3-merous flowers cells secreting essential oil and resin
Zingiber officinale ginger
gingerol (phenylpropane) Zingiberis rhizoma: helps digestion anti-inflammatory gingerol (phenylpropane) Zingiber officinale rhizome
Curcuma longa – turmeric
Curcuma longa - turmeric “curry”component, cholagogue
Elettaria cardamomum cardamom carminative
Ordo: Bromeliales America – tropical areas epiphytes, terrestrial species Leaves: tightly overlapping leaf bases – water storage water absorbance – scale-like surface layer bird-pollination is frequent
Familia: Bromeliaceae Bromeliad family
Ananas comosus pine-apple
bromelain – proteolytic enzyme
Subclassis: COMMELINIDAE arid habitats (steppe, savanna) herbaceous or woody plants Leaves: spirally arranged, surrounded by sheath Inflorescence: inflorescence composed of spikes Fruit: capsule or caryopsis Seed: endosperm rich in starch
Familia: Poaceae / Gramineae Ordo: Poales Familia: Poaceae / Gramineae Grass family
Poaceae – Grass family Root system: fibrous (homorrhizous), often creeping rhizomes Stem: cylindrical, hollow – ”grass stem” Leaves: spirally, leaf base: open sheath thin outgrowths at the junction of leaf and leaf stalk: ligule, auricule epidermis: long cells, short (silica) cells, stoma guard cells: dumb-bell shaped; subsidiary cells: trapezoid or triangular (paracytic) Inflorescence: terminal spike or panicle base unit: spikelet Fruit: caryopsis
Spikelet structure Spike: spikelets Bromus sp.: stigma ovary anther lodicules Spike: spikelets palea lemma palea Bromus sp.: glume lemma glume spikelet axis spike axis
Subfamilia: Bambusoideae Oryza sativa rice
Subfamilia: Arundinoideae Phragmites australis common reed
Subf.: Andropogonoideae Saccharum officinarum - sugarcane
Subf.: Andropogonoideae Maydis stigma: diuretic, antidiabetic Zea mays - corn
Subfamilia: Pooideae Triticum aestivum - wheat wheat germ oil wheat starch
Secale cereale rye host plant of Claviceps purpurea pollen: against prostatitis
Avena sativa – common oat Avenae herba: diuretic
Hordeum vulgare common barley „beer barley” „cereal barley”
Agropyron (Elymus) repens – quackgrass, couch grass Rhizome: diuretic, externally: antiseptic
Cymbopogon citratus lemon grass → Cymbopogon aetheroleum Cymbopogon nardus (citronella grass) → Citronellae aetheroleum
Subclassis: ARECIDAE woody stem Leaves: large, compound, evergreen, arranged at the top of an unbranched stem Inflorescence: panicle spadix + spathe
Ordo: Arecales Familia: Arecaceae (Palmaceae) Palm family South-America, SE-Asia silica incrustation calcium-oxalate raphides polyphenols starch oil
Phoenix dactylifera date palm
Areca catechu – areca nut palm arecoline (alkaloid): anthelminthic Arecae semen: stimulant
Cocos nucifera coconut palm
Cocos nucifera Coconut: Mesocarp – fibres Seed endosperm: copra - oil milk - formulas, sweets
Serenoa repens = Sabal serrulata saw palmetto benign prostate hyperplasy