History of the Atom Block 2 - Downey
Democritus Said that things in this world were made of “uncuttable” particles called “atomos” Drawing – “Not yet formed. Only the idea of an invisible particle was created.”
Dalton Proposed a model of the atom in which the individual atoms were thought of as tiny solids like balls or marbles Drawing -
Thomson Saw the atom has a positively charged sphere with negative particles (electrons) embedded within Drawing -
Rutherford Saw the atom as mostly empty space with electrons orbiting around a small, dense nucleus Drawing -
Bohr Proposed a model of the atom in which the atom was a positively charged sphere with negatively charged electrons orbiting in specific layers or shells Drawing -
Heisenberg and Schrodinger Created the atomic model that has a positively charged nucleus and a negatively charged cloud of electrons giving the atom its size Drawing -