HARAPPA Indus R. 3000 b.c. Little info.
Surplus = + food supply Implications?
Urban 50k +
Wealth Housing Sewer system
INDO-EUROPEANS Invasions Aryans Race? Warfare Mix
Class Brahmans Kshatriyas Vaishyas (peasants) Shudras (serfs)
VEDAS Oral Hymns, songs, prayers insight
Greeks – 326 b.c. Mauryan – 322 b.c. Gupta – 320
Patriarchal Property Sati Courtesans, temple dancers Purdah, harem
POST 600 B.C. Trade markets Link Cotton, black pepper, pearls
FAMILY Stability, social order Young marriages
RELIGION Jainism Buddhism Rise of Hinduism Minority Support Broad appeal Rise of Hinduism Mass appeal