What is History?
Definitions History: Study of the past Culture: Knowledge, beliefs, customs, and values of a group
Definitions Archaeology: Study of the past based on what was left behind
History Historians: People who study history Three main questions historians answer: How do people live? What problems did people face? How did they work, fight, trade, farm & worship
Archaeology Archaeologists: People who explore places where people once lived What thing may be left? Jewelry Dishes Weapons Stone Tools Computers
3 Reasons to Study History 1. History can teach you about yourself Values: One’s belief of what is right or wrong
3 Reasons to Study History 2. History teaches about the cultures that were unlike your own How can learning stories about other culture help us? Let’s you see there point of view and respect their opinions
3 Reasons to Study History History can provide you with a better understanding of where you live. What does the quote: “Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it mean” Ignore the past you will make the same mistakes over and over again
The Past Centuries Period of 100 years 5,000 Years Ago? People invented writing
The Written Word What have Historians found writing on? Stone pillars Clay Tablets Turtle Shells Typewriters Computers
Clues Used By Historians 1. Fossils Imprint of something that once lived Examples: Bones & Footprints presented in rock
Clues Used By Historians 2. Artifacts: Objects created by humans Examples: Coins, Arrowheads, Tools, Toys, Pottery
Clues Used By Historians Primary source: An account of an event by someone who witnessed or took part Examples: Treaties, letters, diaries, laws, court documents
Clues Used By Historians Secondary Source: Information gathered by someone who did not take part. Examples: History Text Books, Journals, Articles, Encyclopedias