Super Ball Guy Ken Nelson
Super Ball Guy... Wasn’t he on Leno? 2D side-scrolling platformer similar to Super Mario Bros. Based off of GameForge V1.0 engine. Uses DirectX 7.0 or higher. Pentium II 300+, 64+ meg RAM, 8+ meg video card.
Cover your right eye and read the bottom line. Reliability Portability Usability Efficiency Learnability
I remember when a loaf of bread cost a nickel. LOC Estimate: 500 - 1000 Actual LOC for Enhancements: 800 Time Estimate: 5.5 Weeks Actual Time: 4.5 Weeks
Why, oh why didn't I take the blue pill? Entertainment! Money Personal Edification
Remember to eat your Wheaties. A sprite is any object you see in a 2D game. Sprites can move, stay still, blow up, change colors, grow in size, etc. Mario, the ground, coins, question boxes, and enemies are all sprites.
New and Improved Engine! (as seen on TV) Repeating Textures Parallax Scrolling Directional Passthrough Development time reduced significantly
Ouch! Collisions Hurt. (pun intended) Collision Detection takes O(n2) to complete. The more sprites in a level, the slower it runs. Easiest way to make a game run smoother, lower the overall sprite count.
Pete and Repeat are sitting on a log...
Side-effects include nausea, internal bleeding, dizziness... Positive!: Less Sprites to place on a level means shorter development time. Lower sprite count means less RAM. Smaller image files can be used for the same effect. Negative: Drawing algorithm slower.
I’ll take Parallax Scrolling for $200 Alex. Scrolls background imagery at different rates. Scenery ‘furthest away’ scrolls the slowest. Gives the illusion of depth to a 2D game.
Non-parallax scrolling Could you repeat that? Non-parallax scrolling Parallax scrolling
Dogs Bark Loudly Sprites can pass through other sprites in one direction but not in others. Used to let the player ‘climb’ mountains. Gives a feeling of depth. Allows for more flexible level design. Gameplay is more flexible.
Remember to memorize pages 39 to 110 for tomorrow's lesson. Totally Solid Sprites Directional Passthrough
There’s nothing funny about a Paper Prototype.
And here’s a boring chart.
Actually no, I wasn’t getting lazy.
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