Understanding visual texts OPTIC Analysis Understanding visual texts
Images convey more than just a picture What do you see?
Assumptions Visual analysis is about understanding how images can be texts that are “read” to be understood. Just like written texts, visual texts are: Intentional (they chose to draw, photograph, or create that image) Meant for certain audiences (those images are for certain specific groups or people to see) Purposeful (meant to do something: invoke an emotion, make people think, show a certain event or situation.
OPTIC OPTIC is an acronym that helps you understand how to analyze visual texts: O is for Overview: What the picture is of, your first impression? P is for parts: color, scale, shape, size, orientation/direction T is for the title: What did the author call it? I is for interrelationships: interaction between author and subject, shapes and people in the text. C is for conclusion: Based upon your analysis, what is the image trying to say?
“Mother of Seven” (1936) by Dorothea Lange. O = Image of woman and children P= B&W, close up, background of a tent or fabric, lots of dirt/grime, worry lines predominant T = Mother of Seven (1936) I = the three children are most likely the children of the woman as they are close to her. They appear disheveled, and scared. C: Lange was probably trying to convey the lives of those struggling during the Great Depression. By using this image she most likely wanted the viewers to feel empathy for the woman and her children. It highlights the struggle of families.
BROX SISTERS (mid1920s singing group) at home by bain news service O: Women sitting by a radio P: B&W shot of three ladies, centered in scene, varying patterns on clothing, couch, drapes, rug, radio prominent. T: Brox Sisters (with)Radio and Teddy I: Friendly or familial closeness, comfortable in surrounding, relaxed, no focus on photographer but on one another and radio C: Artist trying to create a homelike scene of sisters relaxing at home with a radio. Attention to one another and presumably the music.
Same type of subject (Family) with Different intentions Conveys the difficult struggle of families during the depression Conveys the down to earth home life of famous singing group
Complete Optic on the image “napoleon crossing the alps” by Jacques-louis david
Did you notice: The use of color? What stands out? Why? What emotion is trying to be evoked and how? The characterization of the horse? The rugged landscape? The connection between Napoleon and the horse? The prominence (thus importance) of Napoleon vs. the men of the army? The sky and placement of light? How does David’s Napoleon convey power?
Once we understand an image we can then understand its re-creation Kehinde Wiley’s “Napoleon crossing the alps”
Just as Before: Did you notice: The use of color? What stands out? Why? What emotion is trying to be evoked and how? The characterization of the horse? The changed landscape? The connection between Napoleon and the horse? The disappearance of the men? The lack of sky or light? How does Wiley’s Napoleon convey power?
And comparison allows us to understand the layers of complexity of visual text