Local Government Corporation Resource 2018 NG Trustee Demo
Resource 2018 NextGen Trustee Demo 2016 Resource - NG Trustee Receipting Resource 2018 NextGen Trustee Demo Property Tax Search Miscellaneous and Property Tax Receipting Receipting Methods Corrections Assessment Changes Refunds Tax Relief ADA Adjustments
NextGen Property Tax Search Views 2017 Multiple Property Tax Search methods are available. Users can set a desired Search View on their profile and still access other views.
NextGen Property Tax Inquiry Screen 2017 User can access various information by clicking on a desired tab. General Screen will also show penalty amount owed if customer has a balance.
NextGen Trustee Receipting Trustee – Receipting – Add Receipt Add a new receipt batch or make sure the correct batch is selected if you already have one added. You can select a batch from the drop-down arrow or add a new one by clicking on the ellipsis and choosing to “Add New Receipt Batch. When adding a new Receipt batch, you can select Receipt Defaults. An example might be to remove the check box for “Print Receipts” if you are doing a batch that is all mail and you don’t need the receipts printed. 2/26/2017 LGC-2/26/2017
NextGen Trustee Receipting If you have been receipting into a receipt batch and want to change the receipt defaults, you can click on the ellipsis on the receipt home screen and choose “Edit Receipt Batch”. LGC-2/26/2017 2/26/2017 This takes you back to the Receipt Batch screen where you can change the defaults. Click Save and Close to continue receipting with the new defaults. 2/26/2017 LGC-2/26/2017
Miscellaneous Receipting Make sure your batch information is correct and select “Miscellaneous Receipt Express” as the method. Click “Next” to continue LGC-2/26/2017 2/26/2017 Enter the Description and Amount for the receipt Enter the amount, revenue code, allocation and any commission info for each distribution line. Make sure the “Working Receipt Date” is correct. 2017 2/26/2017 Tip: If a revenue code you need to use on a receipt is not on the drop-down list to select or if you enter a code and get the “red shield” indicating it is invalid, you can click on the ellipsis button in the revenue code field and choose to add the revenue code. Ellipsis Button
Miscellaneous Receipting Enter the payment information and select or change print options as necessary. Click “Finish” when done. You will be returned to the add receipt screen where you can add another miscellaneous receipt. You can also click on the Back button in the ribbon bar or the “Receipt” link to return to the batch screen where you can select a different receipt method. 2017
Miscellaneous Receipting – Re-Receipt What if you have entered a Miscellaneous Receipt and then find that the receipt was entered incorrectly? Re-Receipt to make corrections When doing a Re-Receipt, it is very important that you have an open receipt batch to put the new receipt in before you begin the Re-Receipt process. Bring the receipt up from the receipt batch it was entered in or from Receipts (Trustee, Receipting, Receipts) Click on the Options Wheel in the Ribbon Bar and Select “Re-Receipt” The system will bring up a void screen where you will need to enter the void date and reason 2/26/2017 Click Void to continue
Miscellaneous Receipting – Re-Receipt The system brings up the Receipt Batch screen If the batch you need your re-issued receipt put in does not default in, click on the dropdown arrow in the Batch field and select it The receipt method defaults to “Multiple Receipts”. It is very important that you do not change this method. LGC-2/26/2017 2/26/2017 The “As of Date” should be the receipt date 2/26/2017 2/26/2017 Double click on the receipt record in the Receipt Items screen to open it
Miscellaneous Receipting – Re-Receipt Change any necessary information on the receipt screen and click “Next” to continue 2017 The system takes you back to the receipt items screen. Click “Next” to continue to the payment information screen.
Miscellaneous Receipting – Re-Receipt Tip: If the original receipt has not been prorated, use the original payment type for the re-issued receipt If the original receipt has been prorated, the payment type to use for the re-issued receipt depends on the payment type used: For payment types that DO NOT hit Cash on Hand (ACH, BIS, etc.,) use the original payment type on the re-issued receipt (unless you have your controls set up for all payment types to hit COH). For payment types that do hit Cash on Hand (cash, check, money order, etc.,) use no new money as the payment type Make any corrections to the payment screen and click “Next” to continue
Miscellaneous Receipting – Re-Receipt The Summary Screen comes up. Click Finish and then Close to complete the “Re-Issued” receipt. 2/26/2017 If you do a search for the receipt number that was Re-Issued, you will see two transactions with the same receipt number. The original receipt will show as voided. 2017 2/26/2017 2017 2/26/2017
Property Tax Receipting LGC-2/26/2017 2/26/2017 There are multiple methods available for property tax receipting. Property Tax Express – Used for receipting individual receipts Multiple Receipts – Used for receipting multiple receipts. This option is most useful for receipting multiple receipts where searches are required to select the receipts for payment Import Property Tax Payments – This option is used for importing mortgage company payment files, lockbox payment files, and online payment files. Property Tax Group – Allows you to select receipts for payment by Group. Groups of parcels can be set up for use in selecting receipts from year to year. Taxpayer – Allows you to select receipts by taxpayer. Taxpayers are set up for use with installment or prepayments. Property Tax Grid – This option is used to receipt multiple receipts by keying in the receipt numbers in the grid or by using barcode scanner.
How to Record Returned Payments To enter a returned payment in your software, bring up the receipt and choose “Returned Payment” from the Options Wheel. 2017 2/26/2017 Enter the date and any notes for the returned payment. Click “Next” to continue. 2/26/2017
2016 Resource - NG Trustee Receipting Returned Payments Enter the amount of the returned payment or click on “Return Available Amount” and the system will fill in the amount for you Click “Next” to continue 2017 A summary screen comes up. Make sure the information is correct. Click “Finish” when done. NOTE: The revenue will be reversed into the Undistributed Taxes Account (28310) when prorated. You will need to enter the transaction taking the returned payment out of the bank and the 28310 account 2017
Correcting Property Tax Receipts “Received Of” Name You do not have to void a receipt to correct the “Received Of” name To correct the Received Of name, bring up the receipt under the batch it was processed in or under Receipting – Receipts Select the Payments tab and then double click on the Receive Of name A window opens where you can change the Received Of name You have to enter a change reason Save and Close when done You can reprint the receipt with the correct Received Of name when finished This method is also used for correcting the received of name on miscellaneous receipts
Correcting Property Tax Receipts Wrong Receipt Paid If you have a payment that was applied to the wrong receipt, you can do a transfer Open the receipt that was paid in error Click on the Options Wheel and select “Transfer” 2017 2/26/2017 Enter the date for the transfer and any notes Click “Next” to continue 2/26/2017
Correcting Property Tax Receipts Wrong Receipt Paid Enter the transfer amount and click “Next” to continue 2017 Choose “Select Property Tax” to select the property tax record to transfer the payment to
Correcting Property Tax Receipts Wrong Receipt Paid Enter the receipt number or do a search to find and select the receipt to transfer the payment to. Key in the correct Amount. In this example, the receipt that was paid in error was for 200.00, so this is the amount we are transferring. 2017 2/26/2017 Click Next to continue when finished. NOTE: Do not transfer more to a receipt that is due on it. If the receipt you are transferring to is less than the receipt that was paid in error, only transfer the amount due on the correct receipt and do a refund from the original receipt of the excess amount.
Correcting Property Tax Receipts Wrong Receipt Paid The items screen comes up Click “Next” to continue Note: You can transfer a receipt payment to more than one receipt if necessary 2/26/2017 Make sure the information on the summary screen is correct and click “Finish” to complete the transfer
Correcting Property Tax Receipts Receipt Paid in Error If a property tax receipt was paid in error and needs to be refunded, you can use the “Issue Refund” option to make the correction Bring the Receipt transaction up on the screen and select “Issue Refund” from the Options Wheel. Enter the date for the refund and enter the refund amount (or click on “Refund Available Amount” for the amount to be filled in for you). 2/26/2017 2017 Click “Next” to continue
2016 Resource - NG Trustee Receipting Correcting Property Tax Receipts Receipt Paid in Error The Refund Screen comes up Make any necessary changes to the refund information and click “Next” Add any notes you would like and click “Next” You can make changes to the revenue and/or allocation if necessary, but you should not need to change this information
Correcting Property Tax Receipts Receipt Paid in Error Review the information on the summary screen for accuracy and click “Finish” to complete the process 2017 The property tax record will show an unpaid balance after the refund process 2017 2017
Assessment Change What to do if the taxes are already paid If you have an assessment change order and the taxes are already paid, you DO NOT need to void the receipt to make the changes. To make the assessment change, bring up the tax record and select “Correct Taxes/Fees” from the Options Wheel Select or enter a change reason and enter a certificate number if you have one. Click OK to continue
Assessment Change – Taxes Already Paid 2017 Enter the date for the Assessment change and any notes or messages 2017 Click “Next” to continue Make changes to the assessment values or tax amounts as needed. For this example we are decreasing the values, creating an overpayment. If changing assessed values, the “Calculate Tax Correction Amount” button will figure the adjustment amount for you. Click “Next” to continue
Assessment Change – Taxes Already Paid A Summary Screen comes up. Make sure the information is correct and click “Finish” to complete the assessment change. 2/26/2017 If there was an additional amount due, this would be a good time to print a Tax Statement to send to the taxpayer showing their new balance due. 2/26/2017 We will choose “Issue Refund” since this example has an overpayment.
Assessment Change – Taxes Already Paid The overpayment amount defaults in. Click “Next” to continue the refund steps as you would any other refund. 2/26/2017 2017 When the refund steps are finished, you will be returned to the screen with the tasks box. This is a good time to print the Tax Statement to send to the taxpayer along with the refund check.
Keeping Track of Refunds An easy way to keep track of refunds and record check information for those refunds is to use the Refunds records – Trustee – Receipting - Refunds Do a search for the refund record you need to update and double click on the record to open it. Enter the check date and number and the amount will fill in for you. 2/26/2017 2/26/2017 Save and Close when done.
2016 Resource - NG Trustee Receipting Keeping Track of Refunds From the refunds screen you can search for paid, unpaid or all. If you use the refund records and keep them updated, you could search for “unpaid” to see what checks you need to write. If you search for all records, the status field will indicate those records that are paid or unpaid. The check date field will be blank and the check amount field will be zero until the records are paid. Then that information will show. 2/26/2017 You can also double click on any of the records to open them and from the Detail tab, you can view more information on the receipt the refund is for.
Tax Relief – Making Corrections If you are in the receipting screen and you find that the tax relief amount to apply is missing or incorrect, you can enter or correct the amount. 2017 In this example, there was no tax relief amount, but we entered 150.00 in the Apply Amount field. 2/26/2017 The payment screen correctly pulls in the State Tax Relief Amount. John Smith John Smith The tax relief issued and applied amounts are updated on the Property Tax Record. 2/26/2017 2/26/2017
Tax Relief – Making Corrections You can also add, change, or void tax relief from the Property Taxes screen If you need to issue tax relief, bring up the tax record and from the General Tab, click on the options wheel in the ribbon bar and select “Issue Tax Relief” Enter the Issue Date and amount 2/26/2017 Click “Next” to continue to a notes screen where you can add any notes. Click “Next” again to advance to the summary screen where you can click “Finish” to complete the process. You can use this same method to adjust the tax relief issued amount. After choosing to “Issue Tax Relief”, enter the amount of the adjustment in the Issue Amount field (negative to decrease and positive to increase)
Tax Relief – Making Corrections If you need to void the tax relief issued amount, bring up the tax record in Property Taxes Go to the Tax Relief tab and double click on the “Tax Relief Issued” Transaction to open it 10/1/2016 Click on the Options Wheel and select “Void Tax Relief Issued” Enter the Void date and reason and click “Void” to finish 2/26/2017 NOTE: If you have applied tax relief in error on a property tax receipt, you must void the receipt and re-receipt it without applying the tax relief to properly correct it
Reimbursing (Reconciling) Tax Relief - Manually To manually mark tax relief as being reimbursed by the state, bring the tax record up in Property Taxes Click on the Options Wheel and choose “Reimburse Tax Relief” 2017 Enter the reimbursement date and Amount Click “Next” to continue 2/26/2017
Reimbursing Tax Relief Manually Enter any notes you may need and click “Next” A summary screen comes up. Make sure the information is correct, click “Finish” to complete the reimbursement. 2/26/2017
Reimburse Tax Relief with Payment File In order to use this option, you must be receiving the electronic payment file from the state. To reimburse tax relief by payment file, go to Trustee – Property Taxes – Import Tax Relief Reimbursements The File Definition defaults in for you. Click on the ellipsis in the File field to browse to the location where you saved your payment file Select the import file and click “Open”
2016 Resource - NG Trustee Receipting Reimburse Tax Relief with Payment File Click on “Next” to continue The tax relief reimbursement records are pulled into the Grid. If there are any errors, they will appear in the Message field Make sure the Relief total amount is correct and click “next” to continue 2017 2/26/2017 2017 2/26/2017 2017 2/26/2017 2017 2/26/2017
2016 Resource - NG Trustee Receipting Reimburse Tax Relief with Payment File The system takes you to a summary screen – Click “Finish” to complete the reimbursement process. A confirmation screen comes up. Click on the link in the tasks box to print the Tax Relief Report.
Reimburse Tax Relief with Payment File 2017 The Tax Type should be State Tax Relief Make sure the tax year is correct Choose Applied and Reimbursed Enter the Reimbursed date in the from and through Reimbursement Date fields Click “Next” to run the report Tax Relief Report – the total reimbursed should match what the state paid for the date entered
ADA Adjustment Process If you have Special School Districts, you will receive adjustment information from the Department of Education based on the Average Daily Attendance. Calculating the adjustment percentages and gathering revenue totals to make these adjustments can be very time consuming. In NextGen a new feature has been added to calculate the new percentages and the adjusting entries for you. 2017-2018 Example of ADA Adjustment info from the Department of Education
ADA Adjustment Process To open the ADA Adjustment process, go to Trustee, Receipting, ADA Adjustment Click on the drop down arrow in the department field to select the department and enter the count from the ADA Adjustment you received from the Department of Education. Do this for each School District.
ADA Adjustment Process After you have entered all of your Departments for the ADA Adjustment and the counts for each department, click on the “Calculate Percent” button The percentages for each department will display on the screen Click “Next” to continue
ADA Adjustment Process Select the Fiscal Year, the Thru Period and the Thru Date indicating the date range to adjust the revenues through Enter the Transaction Date, the Period and the Description for the transaction. (The description will default in as “ADA Adjustment”) The box to adjust commissions is checked by default – only remove this check mark if you DO NOT want the commissions adjusted for the ADA changes 2017-2018 May 2018 5/1/2018 5/1/2018 May 2018 Select the revenues that will need to be adjusted for the new ADA Click “Next” to continue 2017-2018 May 2018 5/1/2018 5/1/2018
ADA Adjustment Process The system will calculate the original amounts, the total amount, and the new amounts for each revenue and department Click “Next” to continue
ADA Adjustment Process The ADA Adjustment entries are calculated for you Click on the Options Wheel and Select “Print ADA Transaction” to print a pre-post report of the transaction 5/1/2018 May 2018
ADA Adjustment Process The ADA Transaction Report will list the entries for the commission adjustment as well as the revenue adjustments
ADA Adjustment Process 5/1/2018 May 2018 After you have printed your ADA Transaction Report, click on the check box to enable the Finish button Click “Finish”
ADA Adjustment Process A Confirmation Screen comes up indicating that the ADA Adjustment entries have been posted to the General Ledger. Click “Close” to close out the ADA Adjustment Process This process does not adjust your allocations. You will need to enter any changes to the percentages/amounts on your allocations for the new ADA percentages. To adjust the allocations, go to Trustee, Administration, Allocations Bring up any allocations that need to be adjusted and enter the new percentages and then click “Save and Close” on the ribbon bar to save the changes
Local Government Corporation www. localgovernmentcorporation Local Government Corporation www.localgovernmentcorporation.com 1-800-737-1826 or 931.381.1155