CAB Forum June 2018 Professor Stephen Naylor Chair, Academic Board This is an alternative title page with space for images.
Agenda Academic Board Minutes summary Key presentations from Academic Board Policies Q & A
Reports VICE CHANCELLOR’S REPORT Universities Australia’s (UA) budget brief and media releases; Strong Benefits from University Study (Grattan Institute Report titled: Dropping out: the benefits and costs of trying university); EY Report titled: Can the universities of today lead learning for tomorrow? The University of the Future; Regional Universities Network Study economic impact study; Independent Review into Regional, Rural and Remote Education (commissioned by Federal Government); 2018 Leiden Rankings released (JCU ranked 138th globally, up from 150th in 2017, but below ranking of 129th in 2016 and sixth in Australia (no change); 2018/19 Center for World University Rankings (JCU ranked JCU 390th out of 18,000 universities worldwide, up from 481st in 2017); and 2018 Times Higher Education Young University Rankings (JCU ranked 28th, ten positions higher than 2017 and 2016). CHAIR OF EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT Course Coordinator Essentials Workshop Student Advisory Forum #1 – 2018 2018 JCU Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning JCU Learning and Teaching Grants CHAIRPERSON OF THE ACADEMIC BOARD – REPORT Update on the Academic Performance and Development Framework; Broadening engagement with local schools – CASE Significant work had been undertaken developing CU 1010 (Effective Writing) for senior secondary school students could undertake and if successful could claim credit if they transitioned into designated courses at JCU. The terms of office of three of the six Academic Experts (Appointed members) would expire on 16 September 2018 along with one of the two Additional members. An expression of interest process would commence in due course. CHAIR OF RESEARCH COMMITTEE REPORT External Research Revenue Update JCUS Strategic Plan Cairns Institute Review implementation report ERA Update
HOT TOPIC – CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT A/Prof Sealey and Mr Turner attended for the item and with Ms Murray gave a presentation on Curriculum Management. The Board noted the various stages a curriculum concept went through in order to become a curriculum proposal, and the various groups and bodies the concept/proposal would be considered by on its way to becoming a new course.
One of the benefits of a workflow was the ability to identify where efficiencies could be made and how the processes followed could be shortened. Further work would be undertaken to look at these aspects with a view to having shorter or quicker curriculum approval processes and the outcome would be presented to the Board and Vice Chancellor’s Advisory Committee later in the year.
James Cook University Singapore – Research Strategic Plan 2018 – 2022 The five goals to be achieved and defined in the Plan were: develop strong research capability and culture; promote JCUS research to the world – developing our brand; deliver world-class research through collaborative engagement in research projects with industry, business, government and the community; foster strong research education; and deliver fit for purpose research and commercialism services.
The Board noted that: the Strategic Research Plan was a comprehensive plan that involved some stretch for JCUS; it recognised that JCUS was dependent on teaching and learning revenue; the five goals seem stretching but achievable and it was not anticipated the plan would cause any problems for the teaching/leaning focus but would provide opportunities for academic staff in Singapore to develop their research portfolios; the JCUS Board was impressed with the plan overall and the five goals and it was anticipated the plan would create momentum especially around Aquaculture; the Singapore Economic Development Board, a government agency under the Ministry of Trade and Industry was funding some research work which showed the Singaporean Government the good work JCUS could do setting it apart from other private universities; there were around 55 academic staff at JCUS and all teaching staff had a PhD. Consideration was being given to the percentage of staff who would be classified as research active whilst others may wish to concentrate on teaching and learning. The latter category of staff would not have research targets.
JCU COLLEGE REPORT Ms Lucas attended for the item and provided a presentation on JCU College (JCUC) Report and the Board noted: student numbers were lower than originally forecast for 2018 and the JCUC team were working with the International Recruitment team and the Admissions team to identify other avenues of recruiting international students to the College; work was under way to review the current ten week English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program, with the view to offering 5 week programs with an intake every 5 weeks; JCUC successfully delivered the JCU Semester 1 Australian Award Scholars Introductory Academic Program (IAP) and was currently preparing to deliver the same program for the Semester 2 intake; membership of UECA (University English Centre's Australia) – JCUC and JCU Singapore would be involved in the UECA Benchmarking Project in July 2018; the percentage of students retained at JCU after completing with the College was 53%, with 12% having completed and 35% not retained. with regard to student performance/success rates it was commented that it would be useful to have numbers and not just percentages. In 2017 63 students were retained by JCU following completion of their course at JCUC;
JCU ACADEMIC CALENDARS The Board considered the proposed: Standard JCU Academic Calendar 2020); Standard JCU Study Period Key Dates 2020; Proposed Research and International Admission Periods 2021 – 2023; and Amendment to usual format for SP53. The Board noted that as per the guidelines used to draft the approved 2019 Academic Calendar, the 2020 calendar was also drafted as part of the JCU Offer Strategy and consideration was undertaken to align study periods across the University. The Proposed Standard JCU Academic Calendar 2020 and Proposed Standard JCU Study Period Key Dates 2020 illustrated where alignment had been achieved where possible.
Policy Review – Recognition of Academic Excellence Procedure Credit and Articulation Policy and Procedures – revised Revised English Language and Numeracy Policy Student Retention Policy Course and Subject Attendance Modes definitions – proposed amendments Amendments to the Higher Degree by Research Requirements
Q & A Questions Ideas Comments