Revision! Lesson Aim: To revise some of the key topics of the unit. TASK: Look at your checklist- tick things off we’ve covered. What common games could we use as revision games?
Why was this published in December 1916? Content/own knowledge – put your answer on a post-it. The Effects of the Battle of the Somme, according to General Haig A considerable portion of the German soldiers are now practically beaten men, ready to surrender if they could, thoroughly tired of the war and expecting nothing but defeat. It is true that the amount of ground we have gained is not great. That s nothing. We have proved our ability to force the enemy out of strong defensive positions and to defeat him. The German casualties have been greater than ours. Part of a report written in December 1916, sent by Haig to the British Cabinet about the aftermath of the Battle of the Somme.
Monday Mock! Over two lessons –first one knowledge/ one source based. Revise everything we’ve done. Revise exam structure sheet too. I will tell you the exact timings per Q – but go on about a minute ish per mark (slightly more in reality).
Make a quick revision game that we can play at the end of the lesson…… Should not take more than 5 mins to play. It can be about one topic/or everything.
Play the game!