Module 2: Self-Knowledge Agenda Learn about your personality type Learn how personality corresponds to work environments. Learn about your interests, values, and skills, and see how these relate to occupations See how your personality type, interests, values, and skills can influence your career goals. Rogue Community College
Know Yourself Know the World of Work & Education Bridge the Two Metaphor for Career Development Think about it
Know Yourself Career Assessments
Elements of Self-Knowledge Hollands Self-directed Search (SDS)
Interest Profiler
Work Importance Locator
Career Theorist-John Hollands Hexagram Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional
Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional Things Data People Understanding Holland Typology: The Small Triangle
Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional Things People Data Understanding Holland Typology: The Large Triangle
Interest Profiler and Work Importance Locator in CIS Click on each of these links to complete these career assessments
Using SKILLS in CIS Click here to use SKILLS
SKILLS Instruction Read these instructions, then sort the cards or complete the worksheet, and click, Select Skills
Entering Your Skill Preferences Move your 5, 10, and 20 favorite skills to the appropriate categories on the screen, then clickRate Skills
In conclusion, you have: Learned about personality type and how personality corresponds to work environment. Learned about your interests, values, and skills, and how these relate to occupations Seen how your personality type, interests, values, and skills influence your career goals.