Salut Goodbye: Last Five Years Saw increase in net loss of Quebecers owing to migration between the provinces Jack Jedwab Executive Vice President Association for Canadian Studies December 5, 2017
Interprovincial Migration Quebec and the Rest of Canada Western Canada continues to benefit from migration between provinces in the country. Departures and arrivals to and from the provinces are generally attributable to economic considerations. Therefore the numbers and direction of interprovincial can contribute to impressions of how well some provinces are doing compared with others. In the case of Quebec, the interprovincial migration numbers are often a heightened source of concern for the English language minority which worries about what this means for the vitality of the community. The period 2011 -2016 was not a particularly good period for Quebec in terms of net population loss
Quebec: More people leave, fewer arrive from ROC From Quebec to Rest of Canada From Rest of Canada to Quebec Net loss from Interprovincial migration 2011 to 2016 92 320 55 365 -36 955 2006-2011 84 340 63 095 -20 245
Net loss of Quebecers increases from one census to next Net Loss or Gain 2011- 2016 Net Loss or Gain 2006- 2011 Net Loss or Gain 2001-2006 Total -36 955 -20245 -11 650 Allophones -15 440 -12 285 -8470 Anglophones -10 175 -5 695 -7810 Francophones -9 225 -2 315 +5000
Over 92 000 left Quebec for the rest of the country while over 55 000 arrived. Biggest number of departures were Anglophones. Fewest arrivals were allophones 2011 to 2016 From Quebec to Rest of Canada From Rest of Canada to Quebec Net loss from Interprovincial migration Total - Mother tongue 92 320 55 365 36 955 English 32165 21990 10 175 French 30550 21325 9 225 Non-official language 25470 10030 15 440 English and French 1940 1020 920 English and non-official language 1200 550 650 French and non-official language 710 290 420 English, French and non-official language 160 130
Manitoba, Quebec and the Atlantic biggest net losers of people from interprovincial migration 2011-2016 Out Migrants In Migrants Net Loss/Gain Newfoundland and Labrador 19885 23550 -3665 Prince Edward Island 9015 8310 705 Nova Scotia 52570 44550 -8 020 New Brunswick 37170 29340 -7 830 Quebec 92320 55365 -36 955 Ontario 219055 181475 -37 580 Manitoba 47810 30840 -16 970 Saskatchewan 47095 48585 1490 Alberta 158805 226090 67 285 British Columbia 132500 169120 36 620 Yukon 3875 4280 405 Northwest Territories 6485 5010 -1475 Nunavut 2460 2535 75
Most Quebecers choose Ontario when leaving province Quebec to other provinces Interprovincial Migration 2011-2016 Total - Mother tongue English French Non-official language Canada 92320 32165 30550 25470 Newfoundland and Labrador 685 385 215 75 Prince Edward Island 295 140 85 35 Nova Scotia 2635 1265 1000 300 New Brunswick 4645 1050 3250 220 Quebec Ontario 54235 20595 15330 15860 Manitoba 1515 440 695 330 Saskatchewan 1670 535 645 380 Alberta 15645 3795 5345 5635 British Columbia 10275 3790 3570 2510 Yukon 170 55 110 10 Northwest Territories 310 180 60 Nunavut 235 120
Most Out migrants from Quebec between 25 and 34 In Migrants Net Total - Age 92320 55365 -36955 5 to 9 years 7295 3460 -3835 10 to 14 years 5015 2345 -2670 15 to 19 years 3795 2255 -1540 20 to 24 years 7550 7110 -440 25 to 29 years 15035 8765 -6270 30 to 34 years 13115 7505 -5610 35 to 39 years 10265 5880 -4385 40 to 44 years 7720 3985 -3735 45 to 49 years 5485 3020 -2465 50 to 54 years 4390 2930 -1460 55 to 59 years 3480 2675 -805 60 to 64 years 2685 1915 -770 65 to 69 years 2610 1690 -920 70 to 74 years 1720 925 -795 75 and over 2175 910 -1265
Net migration gain of 20-24 year olds for Quebec between 2006 and 2011 turns negative between 2011-2016 Quebec 2011-2016 2006-2011 Total - Age -36955 -21245 5 to 9 years -3835 -2070 10 to 14 years -2670 -2215 15 to 19 years -1540 -905 20 to 24 years -440 1870 25 to 29 years -6270 -4090 30 to 34 years -5610 -3395 35 to 39 years -4385 -3635 40 to 44 years -3735 -2790 45 to 49 years -2465 -1360 50 to 54 years -1460 -690 55 to 59 years -805 -260 60 to 64 years -770 -140 65 to 69 years -920 -395 70 to 74 years -795 -375 75 and over -1265 -800