TOSCA Workflow Proposal Revision 3
TOSCA workflows Default workflow is declarative (generated from nodes and relationships) install at the beginning of install workflow all instances are in initial state. at the end of install workflow all planned instances must be in started state uninstall at the end of uninstall workflow all instances must be in deleted state Multiple solutions to allow users customize workflows Imperative Full override Partial override Declarative improvements Various solutions are not exclusive
Full workflow override Upsides Simple from orchestrator perspective User has a full-vision and understanding of the workflow No doubt on TOSCA default workflow weaving (dependencies and sequencing between related nodes). Downsides Can be fastidious to write without tools Workflow is specific to a given topology template
Full workflow override Inspired by mistral Adapted for TOSCA Simplified declaration Simplification, no need for inputs and outputs that are already defined on operations and using get_operation_output
Full workflow override Single activity per step Or allow multiple sequential activities per step ? topology_template: workflows: <workflow_identifier> description: <workflow_description> inputs: <parameter_definition_list> # (can be used from operations using get_input as in standard topology template) steps: # map of steps <step_name>: node: <node_name> requirement: <relationship_name> # name of the requirement/relationship of the node activity: # sequence of activities to be executed in a sequential way <activity_type>: <activity_configuration> on-success: - <list of step names> topology_template: workflows: <workflow_identifier> description: <workflow_description> inputs: <parameter_definition_list> # (can be used from operations using get_input as in standard topology template) steps: # map of steps <step_name>: node: <node_name> requirement: <relationship_name> # name of the requirement/relationship of the node activities: # sequence of activities to be executed in a sequential way - <activity_type>: <activity_configuration> on-success: - <list of step names>
Full workflow override Activity type description delegate Activity to be used when a node is not provided by a user but should be provided by the orchestrator engine (Compute, BlockStorage etc.). For such node weaving operations of relationships that are not also provided by the orchestrator should be prohibited. set_state Change the state of a node to a given state. call_operation Call the operation of the specified node (or one of it’s relationship). Inputs of the operation are defined on the operation element. Delegate activity is important for portability in some use-cases Orchestrator to provide nodes (Compute, BlockStorage etc.) where implementation can be specific Reusability of existing services (an existing Oracle DB on the cloud to be matched against an abstract DB node in the topology one one cloud vs. creating one on the fly on another cloud)
Full workflow override The on-success values are used to build the workflow graph. All steps that have a on-success defined to a given step should be executed before it (join). All steps that doesn’t have a predecessor are considered as initial step and can run in parallel. All steps that doesn’t have a successor are considered as final. The TOSCA parser/validator SHOULD ensure that all nodes MUST reach the started state at the end of the install workflow all nodes MUST reach the deleted state at the end of the uninstall workflow
Full workflow override steps: A: on-success: - B - C B: - D C: D: E: - F F: A E B C F D
Sample: compute started tomcat mysql creating tomcat creating Requirements Host mysql creating tomcat creating mysql create tomcat create mysql created tomcat created HostedOn mysql MySQL Requirements Host mysql starting mysql start mysql started HostedOn compute tosca.nodes.Compute Capabilities Container By default (need some additions for rolling upgrades) all instances must reach a state when a join (on-success) is defined. Tomcat starting tomcat start Tomcat started
Sample compute started mysql creating tomcat creating mysql create topology_template: workflows: install: description: Workflow to deploy the application steps: compute_install: target: compute # defined in a node template elsewhere activities: - delegate: install on-success: - mysql_initial - tomcat_initial tomcat_initial: target: tomcat - set_state: creating - call_operation: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.create - set_state: created - tomcat_starting mysql_initial: target: mysql - set_state: starting - call_operation: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.start - set_state: started Orchestrator internal init (all nodes initial state) element with no predecessor Orchestrator can perform multiple operations, change states to create the compute and bring it to started state compute_install compute started on-success on-success mysql_install tomcat_install mysql creating tomcat creating mysql create tomcat create mysql created tomcat created mysql starting mysql start on-success mysql started The on success flow implies a join: both mysql_install and tomcat_install must be completed before tomcat_starting is executed on-success tomcat_starting Tomcat starting tomcat start Tomcat started tomcat_starting: target: tomcat activities: - set_state: starting - call_operation: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.start - set_state: started element with no successor Install workflow end, all nodes are expected to be in started state
Sample Install preconditions: state: initial topology_template: workflows: install: attributes: description: Workflow to deploy the application version: 10 steps: is_master: true Compute_install: node: compute # defined in a node template elsewhere preconditions: state: initial - set_state: starting activities: - call_operation: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.start - delegate: install - set_state: started on-success: serial: - Mysql_initial Tomcat_starting: - Tomcat_initial target: tomcat Tomcat_initial: node: tomcat requirements: - database_endpoint: available # vs unavailable - set_state: creating - call_operation: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.create - set_state: created - Tomcat_starting Mysql_initial: node: Mysql
Sample Backup preconditions: states: [ started, stopped ] attributes: topology_template: db_backup: workflows: backup: description: Workflow to backup the DB states: [ started, stopped ] # these are redundant with first step steps: node: db is_master: true preconditions: states: [ started, stopped ] - call_operation: tosca.interfaces.node.myBackup attributes: - set_state: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.starting is_master: true # backups are done using only the master DB node - call_operation: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.start - set_state: started version: 10 ws_start: # TBD need to be able to specify client constraints across the WS to DB relationship target: ws on-success: serial: # do the activies in serial order state: stopped requirements: - ws_stop # might be nice to inline single lifecycle operations - db_backup - database_endpoint: available # vs unavailable Implicit but can control parallelism - ws_start ws_stop: - set_state: starting node: ws state: started activities: - set_state: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.stopping - call_operation: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.stop - set_state: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.stopped
Issues On-success Node Specification Ordering is not specific. Parallel or serial? Need both Also good time to add specification for node operation concurrency Node Specification Cardinality of nodes per templates not expressed Template name implies all nodes created by the template Should be able to specify subset of nodes created by the same template By ordinal: 1, 2, … Any subset: N Should be able to express subset of nodes in the topology E.g. restart the XXX service on all Linux servers running Ubuntu Different kinds of processing for set of nodes created by the same template E.g. treat master and slave differently Should be able to specify different activities for different subsets of nodes
Pending use cases (not all listed) Rolling update Selecting a subset of nodes to down and update (an iterator on a workflow) Creating additional nodes like M extra before downing the old ones Stopping/starting upstream dependencies Providing custom logic or pre-defined update strategies (???) Cluster startup/shutdown Joining on different subsets of nodes reaching specific sets of non- homogeneous states Joining on cardinality 1 at least N
Workflow processing constraints Preconditions for a node activity: Post conditions for a node activity: Node is in a state Node has transitioned into the target state All the required relationships are fulfilled The set of capabilities supported in the target state are available I.e. there is a notion of valid state for a node. Preconditions for a workflow: Operational constraints for a node state transition: All the targeted nodes are in a state supported by the workflow (i.e. there are node activities which have the respective state pre-conditions) There is a sequence of management operations able to transition the node from the current state to the target state for the current node state, property settings, attribute states, and requirement states AND does not change the state of any other node in the entire topology (less strictly, results in no detectable state change in any node or relationship in the entire topology once the transition is complete) There is a sequence of valid and supported transitions to move all nodes from the current state to the target state Post conditions for a workflow: If a node transition caused a state in any other node (a nasty effect to be avoided), the activity must be refactored into a sequence of activities to adjust/manage the transition of the states of all affected nodes Post conditions for All nodes in the entire topology are satisfied
Declarative workflows improvements (TOSCA-219) Upsides Can onboard ‘workflow updates’ on types and make them reusable (not specific to a topology template) Downsides Less focused on reusability on a specific existing workflow for a specific topology (need to get into TOSCA declarative workflow logic)
Declarative workflows improvements Add elements to instruct the declarative workflows for types Node Types Relationships Types Allow to override them on templates (like interfaces)
Declarative workflows improvements Work in progress node_types: <node_type>: workflows: # Defines the workflow for the given node. <workflow_identifier>: steps: # map of steps (you can even do some things in parallel for a single node if that make sense) <step_name>: activities: # sequence of activities to be executed in a sequential way - <activity_type>: <activity_configuration> on-success: - <list of step names>
Declarative workflows improvements Work in progress node_types: tosca.nodes.Root: workflows: install: steps: install_sequence: activities: - set_state: creating - call_operation: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.create - set_state: created - set_state: configuring - call_operation: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.configure - set_state: configured - set_state: starting - call_operation: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.start - set_state: started uninstall: uninstall_sequence: - set_state: stopping - call_operation: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.stop - set_state: stopped - set_state: deleting - call_operation: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.delete - set_state: deleted Group and clusters - Mongo Scalable single nodes - Zookeeper
Declarative workflows improvements Work in progress relationship_types: tosca.relationships.ConnectsTo: workflow: install: # name of the workflow for wich the weaving has to be taken in account source_weaving: # Instruct how to weave some tasks on the source workflow (executed on SOURCE instance) - after: configuring # instruct that this operation should be weaved after the target reach configuring state wait_target: created # add a join from a state of the target activity: tosca.interfaces.relationships.Configure.pre_configure_source - before: configured # instruct that this operation should be weaved before the target reach configured state activity: tosca.interfaces.relationships.Configure.post_configure_source - before: starting wait_target: started # add a join from a state of the target - after: started activity: tosca.interfaces.relationships.Configure.add_target target_weaving: # Instruct how to weave some tasks on the target workflow (executed on TARGET instance) after_source: created # add a join from a state of the source activity: tosca.interfaces.relationships.Configure.pre_configure_target activity: tosca.interfaces.relationships.Configure.post_configure_target activity: tosca.interfaces.relationships.Configure.add_source
Declarative workflows improvements TODO: Provide elements relative to instance model Scaled Apache node: each node has independent workflow Scaled Zookeeper node: Ideally I would like to wait that all zookeeper instances are created before I do the configure operations Manage impacts and weaving of Groups interfaces for some clusters scenarios
Declarative to Full-workflow Next slides will show examples on how the declarative model maps to the workflow model for normative nodes and relationships.
Software hosted on compute No scaling
tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent HostedOn The orchestrator is responsible for managing any operation and states to bring the compute node in desired state. Implementation may be orchestrator specific. compute started software creating software create software tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent Requirements Host software created software configuring software configure HostedOn compute tosca.nodes.Compute Capabilities Container software configured software starting software start software started
HostedOn topology_template: workflows: install: description: Workflow to deploy the application steps: Compute_install: target: Compute activities: - delegate: install on-success: - Mysql_initial - Tomcat_initial Tomcat_initial: target: Tomcat - set_state: creating - call_operation: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.create - set_state: created - set_state: configuring - call_operation: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.configure - set_state: configured - set_state: starting - call_operation: tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard.start - set_state: started
2 Software hosted on same compute No scaling
HostedOn / Concurrency tomcat Tomcat Requirements Host HostedOn mysql MySQL Requirements Host HostedOn compute tosca.nodes.Compute Capabilities Container