Language Lab Erasmus Satellite CO3
National College George Vranceanu
“Your CURIOSITY is the key to our SUCCES” Our Logo and Motto “Your CURIOSITY is the key to our SUCCES”
The team Stefan Octavian Custura Tudor Hutu Tudor Abitei Georgiana Muraru
Nicoleta Baisanu Daria Cretu Luciana Hrib
And our coordinator: Mihaela Cojan - french teacher -
OUR PURPOSE Discover Romania The purpose of our team is to inform people from other countries about Romania and our county, Bacau, and to encourage them to discover their beauty.
OBJECTIVES: - identifying touristic attractions and facilities in our county; - finding information about them; - presenting said information in an easy to understand way;
FINAL PRODUCTS: - flyers in English, French, German and Romanian that present different themes of attractions; -an audio guidebook; - videos with the presentation of the touristic objectives (including subtitles or only audio recordings); - a mini-dictionary containing words and expressions translated in multiple languages; - a PowerPoint presentation of our high school; - a blog;
What has been done so far So far we have made some flyers containing information on different themes(for example parks or museums) and we also made a mini-dictionary.
These are some examples of our flyers