Using ETCulvert Workshop ACPA Pipe School January 7th, 2016 Brian Barngrover, P.E.
Brian Barngrover, PE Brian Barngrover, P.E., is Vice-President of Eriksson Software, Inc. Brian is in charge of software development at Eriksson Software. He has over 30 years experience in software development for the engineering community, along with experience in engineering design for the precast/prestressed concrete market. Brian began his career at a major precast/prestressed concrete fabricator gaining firsthand experience in all aspects of the design, detailing, and fabrication of precast concrete.
Agenda 11:20 am Introduction 1. What’s New in 2015 2. What’s coming in 2016 3. Future Plans 4. Questions Introduce yourself and thank Ed Page the invitation to talk to you.
What’s New in 2016 All in one package for culvert design CAD no longer necessary for some layouts Auto generate production drawings and calculation sets Goal of 10:1 to 20:1 reduction in hours required And much more … Many new features were added in V3, and several internal modules were completely rewritten.
New Interface Paradigm Menu and tool bar combined into ribbon No longer have to open up menus No longer have to memorize icons One of our goals is to reduce mouse clicks. It is one of our mantras, how can you accomplish this task in the fewest number of mouse clicks.
New Interface Paradigm Main screen now divided into tabs Reduced number of dialog boxes More input visible at all times All existing input is still there, we have not removed anything that is currently present in V3. Also new version is backwards compatible with V3 input files (and V2 as well).
Project Types Supported Multiple Culverts (with alignment) Multiple Culverts (without alignment) Single Culverts
Project Types Supported Multiple Culverts (with alignment) Multiple Culverts (without alignment) Single Culverts Allows the input of some sort of layout (as we will see later). The culverts will share some portions of the input.
Project Types Supported Multiple Culverts (with alignment) Multiple Culverts (without alignment) Single Culverts For culverts on the same project that may not share the same dimensions, or too complex a layout. Very little input is shared between culverts.
Project Types Supported Multiple Culverts (with alignment) Multiple Culverts (without alignment) Single Culverts Basically the same as the current version.
Project Types Supported Still support both 4-sided and 3-sided culverts Have added support for Type 1’s Types 1’s are 3-sided u-shaped channels with a flat lid. Also, we have internal support for Type 2’s, and culverts placed vertically. Take a survey of these last two types. Also talk about program development and how it has changed over the years (interface development takes a lot longer these days, more so that calculations).
Multiple Culverts, Aligned Main difference here, layout tab and shared input
Multiple Culverts, Non-Aligned No Layout Tab Each culvert can have separate dimensions No alignment or shared properties.
Single Culvert Again no Layout Tab Essentially equivalent to V3
Main Window Divided into tabs
Main Window Each tab has input on the left (if needed) Each tab has a consistent layout. If there is input associated with this tab, it will be on the left.
Main Window Also each tab has navigation on the right (again only if needed) If there is navigation associated with this tab, it will be on the right.
Main Window Finally, each tab has a viewport in the middle This viewport may be a text report,
Main Window Finally, each tab has a viewport in the middle may be a 2D sketch,
Main Window Finally, each tab has a viewport in the middle or may be a 3-D model. Or it may be a combination of these.
Main Window Each tab is also detachable Can move around to better suit your work habits and computer monitor setup.
Layout Tab Option to automatically lay out culverts Simply set max and min lengths Let’s look at these tabs in some depth.
Layout Tab Can add and delete holes Will automatically adjust culvert layout to account for holes
Layout Tab Horizontal alignments available Also supports stationing Need new screen shot here.
Layout Tab Aligned culverts assume all culverts have same overall dimensions Remainder of input on Report Tab
Layout Tab Can add your own segments instead Each unique segment is separate Mark
Layout Tab Can also add separate designs Have as many as one design per mark We start you out with one design, can add more if you wish.
Report Tab Design/Analysis takes place here Report layout has not changed
Report Tab Fewer dialog boxes Most input in panes Most common input is shown in the left hand panes of this window. This makes for easier access to the input, as it is mostly visible to you, not hidden behind buttons and dialog boxes. However, we still maintained the same basic groupings.
Report Tab Access additional parameters by pressing ‘More’ buttons Input accessible from ‘More’ buttons represents properties that are not typically accessed as often.
Report Tab Fewer ‘OK’ buttons to start analysis Analysis is constantly being updated in background
Report Tab Some dialog boxes still available These are global parameters that do not change very often Note that these parameters apply to all designs. Also wanted to keep the OK button paradigm here.
Report Tab: Properties Pane For aligned culverts, some properties on Layout Tab Remainder here
Report Tab: Properties Pane For aligned culverts, some properties on Layout Tab Remainder here
Report Tab: Loading Pane All loads considered to be design specific None shared between culvert designs So if you have multiple culverts, you must input the loads separately. Of course, you only need to set up you live load once, and can save the configuration and use it with other designs or projects.
Report Tab: Reinforcement Pane Reinforcement is not shared between culvert designs either Same capabilities (mesh and rebar) as current version
Report Tab: Navigation Pane Combined deficiency window with navigation window Color coded for easy recognition As with current version, click on text to jump to specific section.
Report Tab: Navigation Pane For multiple designs, all designs are in a single list Check/uncheck to add/remove from report Important to note that for projects with multiple culvert designs, all designs are in a single list, so the navigation pane becomes import for moving around the report.
Drawing Tab 2D sketches of cross section Also shows 3D model of culvert We kind of combined two existing windows from V3. Currently the one window we have lost is the graphs window. Show of hands here, how many people use the graphs?
Report Manager Build your calculations submittal package here Options available for complete package After you finish designing the culvert, you can then build a complete calculation submittal package here. Several options are available that I will show you will enable you to build a complete package.
Report Manager Ribbon at top makes several navigation and zoom tools available Print or save as a PDF
Report Manager Ribbon at top makes several navigation and zoom tools available Print or save as a PDF
Report Manager Add or remove cover sheet and TOC Table of contents automatically generated
Report Manager Add PDF’s that you create Automatically added to TOC These PDF’s can be a MathCad template that you have created, or a catalog of inserts that you intend to cast into the piece.
Report Manager Add PDF’s that you create Automatically added to TOC
Report Manager Customizable footer Various fields available such as current date and page number
Report Manager Insert your company logo and PE seal Both logo and PE seal are optional
Drawing Manager Produce and edit full set of production and submittal drawings No CAD required We have a similar tool for drawings – the Drawing Manager.
Drawing Manager First page contains a layout and general notes All pages contain in title block
Drawing Manager First page contains a layout and general notes All pages contain in title block In the title block you have the options of including or not a PE seal and company logo.
Drawing Manager Can input your own PE seal and company logo Both are optional
Drawing Manager General notes are editable Can copy text to and from a text editor Also contains dynamic fields that change based on contents. Can use save copy text to a text editor like NotePad and save in text file for later use.
Drawing Manager Subsequent pages are marks No CAD required Piece tickets, production drawings, individuals. A couple of items to point out here, first, the lift loop locations are calculated and placed for you.
Drawing Manager Holes are automatically accounted for Both concrete extents and reinforcement Second thing to note is that holes are automatically accounted for, both in the concrete extents and the reinforcement.
Drawing Manager Can add custom details
Drawing Manager Revisions can be highlighted
Vehicle Library New look and feel More streamlined
Vehicle Library All-in-one open and editing Again, our goal here is to reduce mouse clicks and dialog boxes.
Reinforcement Library Same behavior as current Library is more discretized Discuss design mode effects here from discretization.
Additional Dialog Boxes Analysis Options Project Settings Load and Resistance Factors Nothing changed here.
Additional Dialog Boxes Analysis Options Project Settings Load and Resistance Factors Moved Design/Analysis mode switch.
Additional Dialog Boxes Analysis Options Project Settings Load and Resistance Factors
Additional Menu Items Traditional File Menu Help Menu is the same
Future Plans Seismic Support Soil-structure Interaction Additional Culvert Types (2-cell layouts and alignments, Type 2’s, vertical) Export to Virtis files