Ernest Hemingway
Video Clips --short bio Playing Hemingway Midnight in Paris meeting Hemingway Midnight in Paris
Iceberg Principle (the theory of omission) focusing on surface elements without explicitly discussing the underlying themes. the true meaning of a piece of writing should not be evident from the surface story, rather, the crux of the story lies below the surface and should be allowed to shine through. Reader fills in the omissions with their feelings, and therein is the story
Hemingway writes “…you could omit anything ... and the omitted part would strengthen the story." "A few things I have found to be true. If you leave out important things or events that you know about, the story is strengthened. If you leave or skip something because you do not know it, the story will be worthless. The test of any story is how very good the stuff that you, not your editors, omit."
Deceptively simple, rhythmic prose using "declarative sentences and direct representations of the visible world" with simple and plain language Depicts moments of action and rapid, terse dialogue Characters quietly stand up to the pain of life
2 major contributions to American literature other than style… Vision of life both as a kind of perpetual battlefield where everyone is eventually wounded and as a game with almost formal moves. “Hemingway hero”---a man for whom it is a point of honor to suffer with grace and dignity, and who, though sensing that defeat is inevitable, plays the game well.
Six Word Stories For sale: baby shoes, never worn. ~Hemingway NPR link Failed SAT. Lost scholarship. Invented rocket. ~William Shatner